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The Sister Part XLVII


ngel's Point Of View:

Two Weeks Later:

Ginny's Due Date:

Angel's Outfit Below:

Hermione thanks the doctor as he packs up my blood vials

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

Hermione thanks the doctor as he packs up my blood vials. He smiles at her before leaving her office. I grunt as I move my aching arm. Hermione looks sceptically at me, a hint of worry across her features.

"It's starting to effect you, isn't it? The blood extractions."

She asks and I shrug, trying to look nonchalant as I stare at her.

"I'm fine. Anyway, Ginny's due today. We need to be ready to get to the hospital."

I say, trying to change the subject. I could tell that she didn't quite believe me, but, she chooses to drop the issue and I mentally thank her for that.

"Your Father is getting released next month. How do you feel about that?"

She asks me and I sigh.

"I wish he could stay there forever, where he's safe. I know that's not realistic. If he had even the ability to cast spells, he would be safe, but, he's a Muggle. I need to find a way to protect him. Especially with Greyback out there."

I say and Hermione nods, standing from her office chair.

"Your Father has been speaking with the Malfoy's and they offered him a place there. They'll protect him."

She explains and I frown.

"The Malfoy's are willing to accommodate the man, who was the reason for their misery for a long time?"

I ask sarcastically and Hermione nods, her face showing a look that said; 'I'm just as surprised as you'. I nod.

"Okay, but, I think I'll place a protection spell on him and the Manor just to be safe."

I say and she nods. Suddenly, she sends me a grin and I frown.

"I just can't believe that you and George are getting married!"

She exclaims and I smile and nod, glancing down at the ring on my finger. Suddenly, Rafiele mind links me.

"Alpha. Beta Weasley just mind linked me. Mrs Potter is having her baby. They are at St Mungo's."

I gasp and stand up from my seat, causing Hermione to frown and me and stand up as well.

"Thank you, Rafiele."

I close the mind link and face Hermione.

"Ginny's in labour. Let's go!"

I say excitedly and Hermione smiles and takes my hand as I disapparate us to St Mungo's.

The Sister (Harry Potter/George Weasley) COMPLETEDOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz