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The Sister Part XXIV

Angel's Point Of View:

A Few Days Later:

Angel's Outfit Below:

Angel's Outfit Below:

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Narcissa snaps and I groan, bending over to rest my hands onto my knees, willing my breathing to even out. I was growing angry with her increasing demands and I knew that I had to gain control quickly, otherwise, the voice will return, and, I didn't want that.

"I'm trying!"

I say through gritted teeth and Narcissa scoffs and I know that she is being particularly mean to try and push me to do better and succeed, but, it still angers me.

"Not well enough."

I glare at her and stand up straight, using my anger as fuel to push me on, the determination urging me forward.

"Everte Statum!"

Narcissa propels backwards a few feet and falls to the muddy ground. I smirk in victory and fold my arms across my chest. Narcissa stands and looks at me with a pleased expression.

"Good. Now, comes the hard part. You have the ability to counter act the Killing Curse. So, that's what we'll learn."

She says and I frown.

Was I really ready for such spells? Knowing how to put a stopper in death is a whole nother level of magic.

The Weasley's are counting on me.

Narcissa raises her wand and I prey that I can do this without one or both of us dying.

"Avada Kedavra!"


The jet of green flame that flew from Narcissa's wand at me bounced away and hit one of the trees in Malfoy Manor's garden and blew into hundreds of pieces. Narcissa looks shocked, and, to be honest, I do too.

"You are the first magical being able to counter the Killing Curse without the act of love."

She says and I nod slowly.

At least now, I can protect those I love. If I can counter this spell without the act of love, imagine what I could do with it.

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Later that day, I was helping George in the store. Surprisingly, people actually asked for my advice on products and recommendations. Thanks to the Malfoy's big mouths, word got out that I am a Goddess and am the only thing stopping my Dad from returning.

To be honest, I was actually kinda relieved that people were approaching me with admiration and not staying away due to fear. I watch as George interacts with a group of children, showing them various magic tricks and I smile. It still wows me sometimes that I now live with George and work in his store with him as an employee.

George leads the children to the counter where they buy what he was showing them. I turn and start to restock the Liquorice Wands, actually feeling good for the first time in a while. 

I now have a purpose.

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Two Weeks Later:

Angel's Outfit Below:

I disapparate from Malfoy Manor and to Harry and Ginny's house after my latest session with Narcissa

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I disapparate from Malfoy Manor and to Harry and Ginny's house after my latest session with Narcissa. I am doing incredibly well. I have learnt so much. Ginny was out grocery shopping and only Harry was home.

"Hello, Brother."

I smile and Harry looks up from the book he was reading to smile at me. He places the book aside and stands up.

"Hey. Everything go okay today?"

He asks me and I nod, following him to the kitchen where he makes us both a drink.

"Very well actually. I haven't heard the voice since that night in Malfoy Manor. Narcissa is optimistic, given my healthy attitude lately."

I shrug and Harry nods slowly and takes a sip from his mug. That's when the front door opens and the voices of Ginny, Hermione and Ron can be heard. The get louder until all three appear in the kitchen. Harry immediately goes to take the bags from Ginny and places them onto the counter. Hermione smiles at me.

"Hey. How goes the sessions?"

She asks and I notice Ginny and Ron eyeing me from where they stood, waiting for my reply. I nod.

"Very good. I'm making progress."

I say and Hermione smiles widely.

"That's so good!"

She exclaims happily and I nod and turn my attention to Ginny as she and Harry put things away.

"Next week, guys."

I say and they both smile at me. Next week, Harry and Ginny get married. I was a bit nervous to be in a closed space with some many strangers, some of which will fear me because of who my Father is. But, I'm happy for my Brother and Ginny.

I look forward to next week.

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