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The Sister Part XVI

Angelica's Point Of View:

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I followed Narcissa, Harry and Hermione outside, George following behind me. We keep walking until we reach a good few hundred yards from the house and then we stop. Narcissa turns, her long black velvet dress swishing behind her. She pulls her wand out of her dress folds and I frown as she points it at me, causing the others behind me to gasp. I, however, stayed completely calm, strangely knowing what to do to defend myself. How? I have no idea.


Narcissa chants, flicking her wand to cause me physical harm. I, immediately, raise my hand to defend myself, somehow, knowing the exact spell to counter hers.


I throw back and Narcissa levitates in the air before repelling backwards a few feet and landing on the grassy ground. I gasp and lower my hand, looking at what I had done without a wand, with just my hand.

Narcissa stands up and sends me an unknown expression. Harry, however, didn't agree with her training technique and stormed into her direction. I knew that if he showed any aggression toward her, she would walk away and I'd never learn anything. So, reluctantly, I raised my hand into Harry's direction and chanted.


Harry immediately freezes in place, unable to move and from behind me, Hermione and George gasp, rushing to Harry's aid. I sigh and drop the spell.


Able to move again, Harry turns, staring at me, his face holding hurt.

"You promised. You all don't have to deal with a voice in your head telling you to hurt the ones around you, people that you love. You don't have to fight with yourself everyday just to be in the same room as my Brother, boyfriend and friends. Ruin that now because you don't agree with how she does things, there's no saying what might happen. I'm sorry, Harry, truly."

I say and Harry sighs, but, nods and steps aside, the others following him until just Narcissa and myself stand opposite each other. I turn to Harry, nodding my heads in thanks at him. He nods back with a smile and I know that all is forgiven. I turn back to Narcissa and nod.

"Uzburt bubuļa!"

Suddenly, a boggart appears, Sirius having told me about them once. It hovers over everyone before focusing it's sights on me. I actually grow afraid and I see everyone have their wands out and at the ready to get rid of this thing if I couldn't.

That's when it stares into my eyes for a few seconds before transforming right before my very eyes. However, instead of just transforming itself, it transforms the area around us, everyone looking shocked and slightly fearful. 

The boggart had transformed itself into my Dad, but, how he was before he became the monster that I now know him to be, how he would always appear to me.

The boggart had transformed itself into my Dad, but, how he was before he became the monster that I now know him to be, how he would always appear to me

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We were in the Riddle family home. I was nine years old when I somehow disapparated and ended up here, looking for my Dad. He was busy, however, killing his Father, my Grandfather. He thrusts his hand through my Grandfather's chest, ripping his heart through the gaping wound. Hermione and Narcissa scream in terror.


Young me whimpers and my Dad freezes, turning to face young me, his Father's heart still in his hand. That's when he face grows dark and he glares at me.

"Get out, Angelica! GO!!"

Sobbing, I quickly disappeared and my Dad turns and looks directly at current me. He smirks, stalking towards me.

"Is this want you are trying to escape from? Turning into your old man?"

"I was nine. I saw this terrifying man thrusting his hand through my Grandfather's chest, who looked like my Dad. The man that was only ever gentle with me, who called me the only good thing that he had ever done. I didn't know if this was real, and I waited for you to tell me, but, you never did."

I found myself crying and my Dad suddenly disappears and the area around us fades back to The Burrow grounds. The boggart then disappears and I drop to the ground, sobbing heavily, inconsolable. 

"Nobody has ever been able to rid themselves of a boggart without Expecto Patronum. Then again, that has never happened before either."

Narcissa explains, shell shocked. Harry immediately approaches me, George right behind him as I sobbed. Each one took each side of me, taking each arm and comforting me.

"Mrs Malfoy? We will be in touch."

I hear Hermione say before gesturing her from the grounds. I hear the sound of a disapparation before Hermione is in my line of sight, having bent down to my level. 

"Angel? You need to calm down before your emotions get the best of you."

She gently tells me and I immediately freeze. Realising that if I continued sobbing this heavily, it could trigger my Father coming back. I quickly dry up, and with the help of Harry and George, I stand up. Hermione smiles softly at me as the sounds of multiple disappartions can be heard. Frowning, I turn and see Ginny, Ron, Arthur and Molly all around me.

"We heard you could use a hug."

Ginny says before her Mum swoops in and gathers me in her arms. I gratefully wrap my arms around her just as tightly before looking up at the others around me. I smile and raise my arms, much to their shock and they happily all pile in. One big group hug with my friends and family. Two things I never thought I'd have. 

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