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The Sister Part XXI

Angel's Point Of View:

Four Months Later:

Angel's Outfit Below:

"Don't forget your bag

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"Don't forget your bag."

George says, slipping my bag through my arm and up to my shoulder. I smile at his sweetness and bring my lips up to meet his. He pulls away, his cheeks slightly heated as always.

"Thanks, babe. I'll see you when we all meet up in the pub."

I say, kissing him once more before leaving the flat. Today, Hermione, someone named Luna, Bill's Wife, Fleur, Molly and myself are going with Ginny to pick out her wedding dress while George, Ron, Bill, Arthur and someone named Neville, are going with Harry to pick out his suit. The wedding is a month away. I'm going to be a Bridesmaid, so is Fleur and this Luna while Hermione is Ginny's Maid Of Honour. Ron is going to be Harry's Best Man while George, Bill and this Neville are his Groomsmen. Hermione explained all of this to me. 

I don't know what to expect at this thing today, all I know is that I need to meet Ginny and the others at The Burrow. In other news, it's been a few weeks since I've seen Narcissa. Using such powerful magic all the time can be draining. So, I've scheduled another session with her for tomorrow. This time, I am meeting her at Malfoy Manor, the house that is rightly mine and actually named Riddle Mansions, but, given that she's helping me, I'll continue to let them live there.

I appear in the living room at The Burrow and I see that Ginny, Hermione and Luna had arrived. Molly appears from behind me carrying a tray of tea. She immediately smiles when she sees me.

"Angel, dearie!" 

She exclaims and all three heads snap into my direction and Ginny and Hermione smile at me while the girl, Luna, stares at me wide eyed and with her jaw dropped open. I frown in her direction.

"Angel! So glad you're here. Will you please tell Ginny that Ron will get a black suit like Harry?"

Hermione says and I laugh and approach the sofa where they all sat. Molly hands me a cup of tea and I thank her with a smile, Luna watching my every move.

"Sorry, Harms, I'm with Ginny on this one. Ron'll come back with a wacky colour just like George will."

I say and she groans and Ginny and Molly laugh at this.

"Oh, Luna, this is Angel, Angel, this is Luna."

I nod in her direction, not quite sure yet how I feel about her. She smiles at me and I'm taken aback. After a few seconds, I offer her a smile back. Suddenly, Ginny claps loudly and stands.

The Sister (Harry Potter/George Weasley) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now