The Sister Part XI

Three Weeks Later

Angel's Point Of View

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Angel's Outfit

"Thank you, Hermione

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"Thank you, Hermione."

I say, handing her the now empty vial. She smiles and nods, dropping the vial into her bag.

"I have enough ingredients to make you another four vials. I will order ahead for more ingredients."

She says and I nod, Harry thanking her as she walks past him. He smiles at me once we are alone and I smile back.

Back to work for me.

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I thank the customer and watch as they leave the store before another customer approaches the counter. He has about a dozen love potions that he plops onto the counter and I frown as he smirks at me.

"Just these, gorgeous."

He sends me a wink and I quickly grow uncomfortable. I ring his order up quickly and bag it.

"That's twenty four galleons please."

I say and the guy leans onto the counter, incredibly close to me and I frown, backing away slightly as he sends me another smirk.

"Do I get a discount if I take you on a date?"

He asks and I throw him a disgusted look and he doesn't even flinch.

"No. I have a boyfriend. Twenty four galleons."

I say with a glare and he scoffs and stands up straight again.

"Really? Where is he?"

He asks and suddenly, a figure looming over both of us.

"Right behind you."

George's voice growls out and the guy turns, obviously scared, which makes me feels better.

"M-Mr Weasley. I apologize, Sir."

He says, quickly placing twenty four galleons onto the counter, takes his bag and flees the store. I giggle and look at George.

"No one flirts with my girl."

He says with a wink before leaving to help some more customers, leaving me with a heated face and a stupid grin.

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The Sister (Harry Potter/George Weasley) COMPLETEDOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant