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The Sister Part LXVII

One Month Later:

Angel's Point Of View:

Angel's Outfit Below:

"I'm not sure why and neither is my contact

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"I'm not sure why and neither is my contact. However, if you want to venture a guess, I'd say he is waiting... For your due date."

Sanguini explains to me and I nod along. I asked him to the flat to find out what is happening with Mason, given that he hasn't attacked since his threat. I sigh and rub my stomach for comfort.

"That would be a very good strategy. I can hardly protect myself, let alone anyone else while pushing out two human beings. Which is why I need your help to ensure that my family is safe during my labour."

I tell him, maintaining all eye contact to prove how serious I am. He nod immediately and lays his hand over mine.

"I've already spoken with William and Rafiele. We all agreed that during your labour, the Wolves will protect your loved ones while us Vampires will be protecting you. I've also taken the liberty of speaking with Hermione and she has reassured me that she'll have extra Auror's protrolling as well."

He says, removing his hand from mine. I'm actually taken aback.

All of this just to protect me and give me the piece of mind?

Suddenly, the door bursts open and Hermione and Harry rush inside, excited smiles on their faces, causing me to frown.

"Angel! Luna has finally gone into labour! Her and Neville are at St Mungo's now if you wanna go."

Hermione exclaims happily and I gasp, smiling widely. Sanguini stands with a small smile and I turn to him.

"I need to return to the castle. I will be in touch when I have any more news. Paedro and Lucinda will be protecting you today and tomorrow from afar."

He says and I nod and thank him. With a quick nod to Hermione and Harry, Sanguini walks out of the flat. I slip off of the kitchen stool and face the duo with a smile.

"Let's go!"

I exclaim happily.

Luna is having her baby! This is a bittersweet thing, given that she and the baby will be vulnerable to Mason's attack.

⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡

We land in the lobby area of St Mungos and I have to take a minute to gather myself due to the overwhelming nausea.

The perk of being six months pregnant, I guess.

"Are you okay?"

Harry asks and I nod, taking a deep breath before following Hermione. Harry offers me his arm and I happily take it, letting him lead me through the lobby. Immediately upon entering the maternity ward, I could hear screaming and crying. I try to block out the noise to find Luna. When I do, I stop, causing Harry and Hermione to both stop as well.

The Sister (Harry Potter/George Weasley) COMPLETEDOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora