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The Sister Part LXIII

One Month Later:

Angel's Point Of View:

Angel's Outfit Below:

"Raf, I don't understand

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"Raf, I don't understand. How has this Wolf been living at the Pack house for an entire month and you don't even know who he is?"

I ask Raf, who had just informed me that he has discovered that an unknown Wolf has been living at the Pack house for a little over a month, but, he only saw him for the first time yesterday.

"I don't know what to tell you. I know every member of our Pack. We have 36 members, including yourself and I've never seen him before."

He says with a shrug and I frown, rubbing my hugely swollen belly.

"I have an appointment today for my fourth month check up. From there, I'll come to the Pack house, just to check up on things. I'll suss him out then. For the mean time, keep an eye on him."

I say and Raf and nods and stands. He makes it to the front door before I call him back.

"Oh, and Raf? We have 35 members now. Landon's gone, remember?"

I remind him sadly and he nods and continues from the flat. I sigh heavily and throw my head into my hands.

This last month has been hectic. There is an unknown member in my Pack, a few Vampires have gone missing and Sanguini has no idea where they could be, my Dad has started to struggle with no magic. I think he's having a hard time adjusting to being a Muggle. James was poorly last week with a unknown illness that went as quick as it came.

With Ginny's pregnancy, I was able to tell her at four months pregnant what she was having. However, with my pregnancy, I'm getting nothing, I'm sensing nothing. Neville and Luna are returning next week. Hermione says that the prisoner count at Azkaban is increasing. Delphini is having the time of her life at the nursery, she loves it.

Bill has been a little distant because he is in contact with Charlie in Romania over the missing Vampires. He doesn't want to meet with me until he has some answers.

Fred and Angelina are okay. Nothing new to report. They enjoyed their trip. The Ministries rehab reopens tomorrow. My Dad actually has a job as a councilor there, helping people like him. Annette goes back to her job as a cook.

I've actually been in contact with Narcissa. She keeps me updated on any threats from Dad's old crew. Harry and I are still visiting our extended family and it's been going well.

George has been so supportive and ever the doting Husband. I couldn't be happier with him. Currently, I am waiting for him to hand off to Val, so we can go to the hospital for my forth month check up.

The Sister (Harry Potter/George Weasley) COMPLETEDOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant