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The Sister Part XXXVII

Angel's Point Of View:

"Thank you, Molly. You should check on the littlest Weasley. I'm fine."

I say, taking a sip of the tea that Molly had just handed me. She shakes her head.

"Victoire is with Bill, Fleur, Arthur and Ginny. I don't want to crowd them."

She says, taking a seat opposite me. I nod in understanding and take a glance to Harry, who was sat beside me, staring at me intently. Ron and Hermione sat at the other end of the table while George, Fred and Percy crowded around me and Molly.

"You alright there, H?"

I ask Harry, wondering why he was just staring at me. He nods slowly.

"It's just been a long four weeks. I'm glad you're back."

He admits and I smile, leaning forward to place my hand over his in hopes of comforting him.

I'm so glad that Angel's back. I don't know what I would have done if Fenrir Greyback harmed Victoire. Will we ever be safe?

With a frown, I retract my hand, giving Harry a look of pity.

"As long as I'm around, you won't be touched. None of you will be."

I say, trying the reassure not just Harry, but, the others too. Harry looks slightly confused at my words, like they just came out of nowhere. 

"Thanks to my new abilities, I can hear others thoughts."

I clear up and he nods, sending me a smile.

I catch George's eye and send him a smile, one that he immediately returns, much to my surprise.

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Angel's Outfit Below:

I close the door to the flat quietly as it's still early enough that George and Fred will still be asleep

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I close the door to the flat quietly as it's still early enough that George and Fred will still be asleep.

I went out into the wood behind Diagon Alley to 'Wolf out', meaning that to stop myself from becoming irritated and paranoid, I have to shift and run through the woods for a little while.

When I reach the kitchen, George is already there, pacing the floor, causing me to frown.


I call to him and his head snaps to mine and he sends me a look of relief while releasing a breath that he had been holding.

"You're okay. You were gone."

He says and I nod, slipping my jacket off while approaching him.

"Yeah, sorry. I needed to shift. I felt like my skin was crawling. I thought I'd be back before anyone woke up."

The Sister (Harry Potter/George Weasley) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now