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The Sister Part XIII

Angel's Point Of View:

One Month Later:

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Angel's Outfit:

I sat, staring outside of the window in The Burrow, trying to place my thoughts, but, to no avail. I don't know how to arrange my thoughts to help me deal with the fact that I alone can bring my Father back. I mean... How? Will my blood be the key? My soul? My death? I don't want my Father to wreak havoc on the very people he caused so much pain to already. I'd be no longer welcome in The Burrow or the store or their lives if that happens.


I snap out of my thoughts with a start and turn to see Harry standing beside me and I frown at his concerned face as he places a hand on my shoulder.

"You're making it storm outside. Look."

I turn, and sure enough, the once sunny weather had been replaced by a dark and thundery storm. I, immediantly, relax myself and the weather returns to sunny with an added rainbow. I sigh and stand up, Harry watching me closely.

"I've never seen someone control the weather like that before."

He says and I smile sadly, turning to face him in shame.

"That's one perk of being the Daughter of the Evil Lord."

I say and quickly flee the room, heading upstairs to my own. However, when I get there, Harry is already there and I sigh, trying to ignore his concerned face.

"Not now, Harry."

I say, but, he makes no movement to leave, just watches after me.

"It's gotten to you, hasn't it? What Lucius Malfoy said."

I nod and take a seat on my bed, Harry joining me in an instant.

"He caused a lot of pain to everyone he met, even to those that he didn't. Now, I'm told that I can bring him back? My first thought is how? That's all I need to know. That way, I can do everything I can to stop it happening."

I say and Harry nods.

"Then, I guess we need to pay a visit to Lucius Malfoy at Malfoy Manor."

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Harry, Hermione, George and I arrived at Malfoy Manor a few hours later. We strolled through the gates and stopped at two huge double doors. Harry rang the bell and a few seconds later, an elf opened the doors. Hermione steps forward and addresses the elf.

"We're sorry for the intrusion, Miss, but, we'd like to speak to Mr Malfoy Senior please."

However, the elf shakes her head.

"I'm sorry, Miss, but, I'm not to allow anybody inside without an appointment."

Remembering what Bella once told me, I step forward, bending down to the elf's level and looking deep into her eyes. And, for the first time in years, I use my power of persuasion.

"Your job is to answer to the owner of this house. My Father owned this house, and, with his death, ownership transferred to me. Now, we've asked to speak to Mr Malfoy Senior. What do you say?"

With that, I stand up, severing the link between us. Harry, Hermione and George all look at me in shock and disbelief, even more so with the elf's next words.

"Please, come in, Miss Riddle. I will fetch Mr Malfoy now."

I grin and step through the door, Harry following first, then Hermione and lastly, George. The elf drops us into the living room and hurries off to fetch Malfoy. Once the elf is out of sight, Harry turns to me, obviously wanting answers.

"How did you do that back there with the elf?"

He asks and I sigh, not wanting to look at George and see what kind of facial expression he wore, so, I just stared at Harry.

"When I was five years old, one of the prisoners stole my necklace while I was sleeping. When I woke up and found it gone, I went mad, deciding to ask around to find out who stole it. I discovered that when Sirius asked around, he never got answers, but, when I did, I was told straight away. Long story short, I got my necklace back and learned that I have the power of persuasion."

I say, but, before anyone could respond, Mr Malfoy enters the room with surprise in his eyes when he sees that I am standing in his living room. He shoos the elf off and she goes running from the room. He takes a seat and the others do the same. I, however, just stand in the same spot, glaring at the long blonde haired man.

"You told me that I can bring back my Father. You need to tell me exactly how I could possibly do that, so, that I can make sure that it never happens."

I say and the man grins.

"Let me tell you a story. Once upon a time, there was a malicious Lord, who ruled over the land that he called home. The Lord never foresaw having a child, but, fate always got her way. In time, he was rewarded with a baby Daughter that he wished to raise to be more powerful than himself. However, the Lord had many enemies who would try to steal his beloved Daughter away and raise her of their own creation. Knowing this, the Lord was forced to send his little girl away, disposing of those who knew of her whereabouts. The Lord left his land and was vanquished. However, he had cast a powerful spell, placing half of his body and soul into his child, so, that he would live on in someway forever, inside of her, hoping that one day, he would return powerful enough to protect his only child and to make sure that she lives happily ever after."

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