Y/N didn't know, Scarlett is already carrying Olivia at her tummy.

The red light flashed to the stoplight. "We already have Olivia, Y/N. We're getting married after 5 months to prepare for our wedding. But things didn't go the way you plan it." She mumbles, wiping the tears that left her eyes.

"We already have our dream family." She muttered, stepping on the gas pedal and driving herself back home.

"If you only knew, if I already told you before the wedding, if only"


She parked her car, making herself presentable so her daughter won't ask if her mommy cried on her way to her because she didn't know if she can answer that without breaking down.

"Be okay, Scarlett. For Olivia" she whispered.

As she opens the door, shes shocked by what she saw. Her daughter playing with someone whose back is facing her. Olivia senses her mom, she pecks her head and smiles at her mom.

Olivia run to her mom while giggling, "MOMMY, Y/N IS HERE!" Olivia squeal and jump at her mom.

"Where's your auntie Lizzie, bubs?" Scarlett asked, walking towards the person. "She got an emergency and Riley is working. So auntie Wizzie calls Y/N" Olivia explains to her still-shocked mom.

"I guess I need to go now, little one. Your mom is here" Y/N said, getting her coat and keys.

"No, Y/N" Olivia whine, wiggling to her mom's embrace and running to Y/N, hugging her legs.

"Please, stay" Olivia mumble. Scarlett's heart bleeds more at the sight of Olivia begging for her mama to stay.

Y/N didn't hesitate to get her and carry her in her arms. "Don't go" her daughter mumbled, hugging her in her little arms. "Okay, I'll stay" are three words that make the child happy again.

The eyes of the two meet, they didn't deny there's still a spark between the gaze. That gaze makes the world stops its orbit, the earth meets her once a moon. The moon gives balance to everything, keeping her moving. Keeping her alive.

Y/N is now confused, so fucked up. She tries to avoid the overflowing feelings towards Scarlett but her heart is too stubborn to obey. Her mind is scolding her, telling her that Vicky is better.

Scarlett is slowly giving up. She didn't want to, she won't want to lose the fight, again. She didn't like to make history repeat itself. Does she know she deserves Y/N but Y/N deserves Scarlett?

The three of them are on the couch, Olivia's head is resting on Y/N's lap, her less is on her moms, lap. They watching a cartoon that Olivia request.

Y/N unconsciously stares at Scarlett, her eyes are still puffy red from carrying. She wants to say sorry, she didn't mean to but every time her mouth is about to say the things her heart wants, she lost her words. The guilt feeling is smashing her heart like a mad hulk. Y/N wants to hold her closer and the only thing she can do is to wish.

Every time Scarlett stares back, Y/N looks away because of embarrassment. Scarlett still knows Y/N after year's passed. She knows when she's feeling guilty, she can't keep eye contact and look down, scolding herself. She wants to talk to her, saying it's not her fault, that she's okay and forgiven, but too afraid to say anything, not trusting herself.

They both didn't trust themselves.

"You coming?" Vicky asked Y/N's who is busy looking at her phone.

"Y/N?" She called again and failed to get her attention. She taps her arms and she flinched. "What? I'm sorry" she answers and looks back at her phone.

"I'm sorry, Vicky but I need to go to Olivia, no one gonna babysits her. Lizzie has an emergency" Y/N explains.

Vicky's eyes started to swell, tears threatening to fall. What's the use of keeping her away from her ex when her child needs her? Vicky knows, she already knows when she heard June and Y/N talking about her ex. She does the DNA secretly, getting hair from Y/N matching to the blood sample left to Olivia.

The result broke her heart, they matched;  99.9999%

She's good at hiding secrets, but not good at hiding the pain. She's a great secret keeper but not a great pretender.

When she knew that Scarlett is Y/N's ex, the information she got is confirmed. She asked Y/N to distant herself from her, to keep Y/N to her side. She knows it's selfish but she doesn't want to let her go.

"Okay, text me when you got there," Vicky said. Y/N happily stands and kisses Vicky on the cheeks. "Thank you. You're the best" then run outside.

When she knew she's out of her sight, she let herself cry. At the end of the day, she knew she's going back to her yet Vicky stay even though she's ended up broken into million pieces and lost herself.

Scarlett tucked Olivia to bed, Y/N is still on the couch waiting for her. She made up her mind, she's going to talk to her.

"Drive safe," Scarlett said not looking at hed eyes.

"I'm sorry for hurting you and breaking my promise to Olivia," Y/N said, walking towards Scarlett who's looking down.

She's afraid to meet her eyes, that eyes giving her hope and expectations. Eyes that are too comforting and unable to resist.

Y/N is now standing on Scarlett's front, she cupped her cheeks, using her thumb to wipe down the tears she caused, "I'm sorry for making you feel like that. I'm sorry if I hurt you with my words and actions. I'm sorry for ignoring you. I'm sorry for making you feel bad. I'm so sorry"

"I didn't want you to forgive me right away. I'm so stupid for hurting your back just to get even. I'm sorry for being so stupid" Y/N adds looking at Scarlett's eyes.

They keep eye contact, Scarlett didn't say anything but Y/N knows her so well. She still knows her body language, how her skin spike from her warm touch, and how she melts from it.

Their eyes look down landing on each other's lips.  Their hearts beat so fast, controlling themselves not to give in.

"Can I kiss you?" Scarlett asks, she doesn't want to waste the opportunity she has. She grabs it immediately.


Sorry for not updating yesterday I took my finals and that kills all of my brain cells. So this chapter and the next one is a form of apology. And this is my first time writing third-person POV.

Vicky knows. She knows.

See you in the next chapter.

Maybe This Time Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora