No one knows who I am except father ,and I work alone

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No one knows who I am except father ,and I work alone. Blending in is the best quality to have so if I can be a normal human then I can kill any wolf or vampire in my way. I had made the Forrest my best friend. Stealth was my ally. No one could ever touch me.

Currently I am sitting in my room and packing, I hear my father's footsteps coming towards my room. I wait for him to knock but he doesn't, instead he talks behind the closed door. "I am leaving tonight, Kane and Juliet are heading up north, there's vampires causing trouble. I hope not to see you by 9 am."

If you're wondering, no it's not a form of kicking me out, well at least I think so. He is a very punctual man so everything to him must be in order. Luckily I don't want to be here either.
Finally done packing and it's 10 pm. Might as well sleep, I have a long day tomorrow.

"-time is money little one. You're wasting mine." I felt a hunch of déjà vu and I know how this goes. I am not letting him die again. I run to the door but the closer I get the further it is to reach. I keep running until I reached the door but they are already gone. Looking down I am covered with blood. I look back and find my brother's room filled with blood. My brother's blood...

I felt someone shaking me from my sleep. Who in the-? "Hey you're having a bad dream again." I wake up to a soft deep voice behind me and I just wanted to go to sleep. Wait who the heck is this? Turning around I can't see the person's face but I can? I'm looking right at it. It's beautiful, it gives me peace and it makes me feel safe. I have never felt safe in such a long time. It's a great feeling. He smiles at me and I couldn't help the warm feeling inside my chest. What is this?

I start to hear a buzz somewhere but I can't tell where, it keeps going and going and going. Argh for fucks sake that is annoying!"

I jolt up from my bed but I can still hear the annoying sound. Looking to my left it's the freaking alarm. Huh? It was a dream.

I dreamt the same thing every night since that day but who was the person from my dream? I don't think I've ever met him. This better not be some type of whichcraft. This is the first time I have ever dreamt of that.

I get off the bed and go take a quick shower. My flight leaves at 9:30 am and I have to leave by 9.

I decided to go for simple, a white simple tee, black jeans and combat boots with a black jacket and straightened my curls and put my hair into a bun. The disadvantages of having curly hair? Can't style it and I'm already lazy enough.

**** (12 hours later)

Landing in America after long hours of death, I get directions to my dream college. *Note the sarcasm* I don't have dreams. I have nightmares, literally. Haaa I'm funny. Anyway..

After a 30 minute drive I arrive at the school already so many students are here with their families settling in. My worst quality is drawing attention, my hair is something that always gets people's attention because it's huge, if i keep it untied and I want to be on the low that's why I straightened it. But I'd have to do that every morning and there is no way.

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