Chapter 34 : We Time After Long

Start from the beginning

Seriously, this girls is mad. For once, she recognises his cologne and at the other time, she is forgetting the same. Anyways, no offence, she is actually damn busy right now. He looks at his watch, ten fifteen, and she is not ready at all. He furrows but listing to her voice he moves towards her.

"Dahi jama rakhi hai kya mooh mein? Speak na", she told, still unaware of his presence.

He stepped to her and traces his hands on her waist, hugging her from behind.

She gasped feeling the touch around her body. The usual shivers she feels whenever he touches her paved there way down her spine. A soft moan left her mouth, "Shivaay"

He smiled and kissed her shoulder blade before placing his chin over it. "Yes baby?"

"What are you doing here? I thought it was Abeer!", she said being perplexed. She caressed the length of his arm and placed her hands over him. Feeling him around, after so long, for a longer period of time made her feel blissful.

"You were mistaken there!", he kissed her right cheek.

She smiles and turns her head a bit towards right and kissed his cheek. She comes out of the loop his hands had formed around her and turns to hug him.

He ran his hand through her hair, "You are not ready yet?"

She bit her tongue, "Vo..I slept late", she confesses knowing rhat he can catch her lies easily. They have known each other quite well during these days. Usually, they can pretend each other's next step or next set of words.

He takes her out of the hug. While so, her hair stick to his stubble. He likes that. He smiles and tucks her messy hair behind her ear. "Don't tell me that you have started with another wild novel of your!", he spoke skeptically.

She walks to the mirror and picks her jumper, "Romantic, that's the word."

"Means you have actually started. Which one?", he asked sitting on the bed. He looks at the book beside him. He picked it up, "The Notebook". " You always shoo me away whenever I try to come closer to you and yourself read a lot of romantics."

"Excuse me Mr.Bagad Bille! What you were doing few minutes back is what we call ROMANCE and I didn't shoo you away even once.", she corrected him.

"That is cause we got time for each other after long", he turned the pages of the book.

"Doesn't matter. At least I didn't", she sees him messing with the pages of the book. "Don't remove the book mark!", she said sternly.

Her stern voice made him alert and the book fell from his hand, removing the book mark.

She gave him a you-are-impossible look and shaked her head.

He bit his tongue and picked the book. While so, the book shelf caught his attention. Wait, it used to be full of book. He opened his eyes widely. "Wait, where are your other so-called romantic book?", he eyed at the book shelf which was nearly empty.

"The books got old, so I packed them up to make space for new ones.", she told.

"What's the use of reading romance when you can't do the same", he murmurs.

She turns around and gave him a sharp look, "I heard that!"

"Then implement that", he got up.

"First you get out of the room cause I need to change.", she told finalising her yellow jumper.

"I am not going anywhere. Anyways, I'll be getting to see everything one day, then why not today?", he winked.

Her jaw touched the ground, "Shut up Shivaay. You're such a shameless creature. Chii..yuck, move out.", she tried to suppress red tint on her face with her disapproving words.

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