Did he really just bark a 'yes' to my absofùckinglutley crazy question?

We just sat there staring at each other.

I think he was waiting for me to say somthing or do something.

I did't know what to do.

This was crazy.


Absolutely no. 

This fairytale shìt isn't real.

But... This wolf... My wolf. Was sitting in front of me anwering questions.

How could I pretend it wasn't real?

That I didn't believe?

Because my entire being did believe it.

I didn't want to be crazy.

It had to be real.

Before I knew what I was doing I was up from my seated position and walking over to the edge of my roof.

I turned around and draped my feet over the ledge feeling around  with my feet for the next ledge of my roof.

My feet slowly lowered themselves down to the next level down, and I let go of the top level.

Once on the roof of the second story of my house I crawled over to the gutter on the side of my house.

All the while my wolf stood at attention watching me curiously from the edge of the trees.

Once at the gutter I laid on my tummy, and my idea was to shimmy down the gutter until I made my way to the ground.

What I didn't take into account was that the gutter was icy and slippery.

Once my hands connected with the ice I started falling down the next 15 feet to the ground.

Great. I thought, I'm going to break my neck and probably die.

Just my luck...

Until I landed with a soft thud into warm fur.

I opened my sealed eyes to see my wolf had manouvered his body right under the gutter where I was falling and laid on his side, so I would fall on his belly.

I giggled.

His soft squishy belly.

So soft.

Wow. Yup. I'm crazy.

"Thank you." I said to my wolf, as I stood up.

He just huffed a big breath of air at me, like he was angry.

This made me laugh again.

Ha. He was cute was he was mad.

My laughter made him huff louder this time.

"Ohhf... Stop pouting. Even though you saved me from breaking my head. Thanks."

I walked over to my back deck, which overlooked the forest that my wolf lived in, and sat on the little couch we had under the overhang.

My wolf just stood off to the side, looking at me, wondering what to do.

"Come on, you can come sit too." I said while waving my hand to some closer.

He slowly walked toward me and up the few steps to my deck.

I smiled as he sat down at my feet.

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