Chapter 183: The world doesn't have to be ugly.

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Hunter's P.O.V.

As worrying as it is, it's actually somewhat funny to see Luz walking about with King being wrapped up like an infant. And as we walk on I notice the area becoming more public with two large statues. One of them has hair similar to that silhouette... Even the face shape is similar... But the other one beside him looks like me. So what anyway. Should I even care?

So I look away, not wanting to see anything reminding me of that wendigo. As we walk on, the area becoming less public again as it's only houses, I realize how peaceful everything is. Not just peaceful, but a wide range of color. I guess Belos wasn't lying about this. The trees are green. Right now feels quiet. But was he telling the truth about rain? Nothing's attacked us yet.

And Luz walks up to one of the houses, to which we follow. So she knocks, and who appears is her mother. The mother I immediately tell is caring. Her peaceful pose, her eyes which show only love and no harm.

Wish I had someone like her from the start.

Right as we walk in due to being invited in by both Luz and her mother, the home itself is calming and well kept along with someone on the couch who looks like she could even be Luz's sister.




After we all get completely settled in, introducing ourselves to the residents of this home, I have a seat. But noticing a painting on one of the walls. A painting showing a deer. Looking at it makes me feel like a literal deer in headlights. I'm so drawn to it. Come to think of it, I've grown more curious of the animal. Does my wendigo self have more in common with the animal than I first thought? Maybe I'm reading too much into it.

But my thoughts finally snap back into reality once I look away and out the window to the azure sky. Everything's so peaceful. The colors are so mesmerizing.

The world is cruel. It doesn't have to be ugly.


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