pregnant or not..??

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Avu-: I'm pregnant, You're soon gonna become dad.. she say's in one breath without any stop while Sid who was drinking spits out his drink nd stops the car with a jerk making avu open her eye's. She looks at him with frightened face while Sid was beyond shocked.

Sid-: WHAT..?? He literally shouts while avu closes her eyes in fear nd cluthes her dress tightly in her fist nd nod's slightly. How..?? How it's possible..?? He ask her while avu opens her eye's nd glares him.

Avu(angrily)-: what do u mean by how..??

Sid-: princess I mean to say that how it's possible when nothing had happened between us...?? Are u sure ur pregnant..??

Avu-: what do u mean by nothing has happened between us..?? Had u forgotten that night when I was drunk..?? She ask him with teary eye's.

Sid-: princess I remember but nothing has happened between us that night.. believe me.. how can I take advantage of ur unconscious state..?? Yeah I remember u were saying or should I say forcing me to make love to u nd u were ready but I don't want anything to be happen in ur drunk state nd before our marriage.. he clears her mind.

Avu(confusingly)-: so who had changed my clothes as much as I remember there were no female servants at home nd in morning why I.. I.. was..

Sid(cutting her in bw as she wasn't able to complete)-: you had changed ur clothes by yourself princess.. infact u had changed 2-3 clothes in 3-4 hours...

Avu(shockingly)-: what..??

Sid-: yupp.. he say's nd tells her everything nd shows avu her pic's of that night.

(It's the continuation part of "only yours in every way ❤️" u can read it once again if u don't remember).

Sid-: princess ur drunk try to understand... he tries to explain her when the power goes nd darkness cover the whole room. Avu hug's Sid not letting him move nd fall on bed behind with him on top. She flips their position coming on top of him nd again starts kissing his lips nd after a long kiss she whispers something in her deep husky voice.

Avu-: now u can't stop me or else I will kill myself.. Sid's eyes widen while avu starts kissing his abs nd Sid wasn't able to say anything as it's useless to explain her as she's highly drunk. But one thing he knows that she is going to regret it tomorrow very badly.

Avu removes his shirt as well as her jacket nd throw them somewhere in room. She again starts kissing nd nibbling on his neck nd abs leaving love bites on his neck as well as on his abs. Sid was trying to stop her but she wasn't listening when the power comes nd Sid get's shocked seeing avu. He closed his eyes nd was thinking that when she had removed her top, he was thinking when he feels her holding his hand nd putting it on her soft bare back. Sid realises that she hasn't wear anything inside her dress. Avu was about the remove her shorts when Sid opens his eyes nd pushes her causing her to fall on otherside of bed. He gets up nd throws the duvet upon her nd turns towards her to find her looking at him with anger filled eye's. She was about to remove the duvet when Sid holds her hand nd ties them together then he ties her legs too nd moves out from there after taking out another shirt from his closet nd glaring avu to sleep without doing or thinking about anything rubbish. Avu was shouting upon him nd was continuously telling him to free her hands nd legs but Sid doesn't listen nd goes down to find Rohan there. They both settles down on the couch listening her shouts.

Rohan-: god.. how much this girl shouts..?? Poor us, god please bless us with some silence nd peace..

Sid-: RIP to our ears... He say's while rohan nod's dramatically.

After sometime her voice stops, so sid thinks to check her upon once. He gets up nd goes to his room to find avu sleeping with tears stains on her cheeks. He goes near her felt a pang in his heart seeing his princess in tears. He opens her hands nd legs nd covers it too with duvet nd clean her tears stains with the help of wet clothes. He kisses her forehead nd goes to other room to sleep.

Flashback ends.

Sid tells her while avu was shocked nd embarrassed after listening what she had done in drunk state.

Sid-: you don't need to feel embarrassed jaan.. you were highly drunk nd it's alright.. don't think about it much, nd thanks to God that u had done all this infront of me not of anyone else.. he say's while his voice was filled with possessiveness.

Avu-: but why was my body nd head aching so much..

Sid-: all that was happening because of hangover.. sometimes alcohol causes pain in body nd that day u were highly drunk nd was doing different stunts nd ur periods were near so..

Avu (in low voice)-: but I had missed my periods.. it had happened first time nd I'm feeling strange from some day's nd vomiting a lot..

Sid-: ohkk.. we'll consult a doctor tomorrow don't worry.. but I'm sure it's not pregnancy, but for ur satisfaction we'll ask doctor about it..

Avu-: hmm.. she just hummed nd was lost when Sid decides to make her mood fine.

Sid-: btw ur very very very beautiful.. he say's while avu looked at him confusingly. I'm glad I got such an extremely beautiful girl who is not only beautiful from outside but from inside too.. he say's with double meaning while avu's eye's widens nd she looks down while blushing.

Sid pulls her towards himself nd hugs her nd kisses her on her temple from side while avu hides her face in the crook of his neck.


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Lot's of love ❤️.

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