Sid's jaan

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Location-: Massachusetts, U.S.

At a dark place one men was seen tied tightly by the metal chains nd was on a verge to die. Lot of men's in black uniform was standing there with guns while one boy around 20 was sitting infront of him on a big chair like a king while one boy of his age was standing with whip near the men who was half dead.

Boy 1-: speak or else u will be full dead.. he shouts while rolling the whip on his hand but he was not saying anything increasing the anger of both the boys.

Boy 2-: jai stop, he will not speak like this... (So the 1st boy is jai).

He says while getting up from his chair nd takes out his revolver nd points it on the men's head.

Boy2-: now speak up or else be ready to welcome death of yours... He says dangerously while the men infront of him gets scared but was not ready to speak anything which increases his anger. He puts his revolver down nd come towards him making him sweat due to fear.

Men-: I.. I.. w.. ii... ll.. nn.. n.. oo.. tt.. ell.. nd before he could say further he recieves a tight punch from jai, he was going to beat him more but the another boy stop him.

Jai-: but Sid.. (so jisne shi guess kiya uske liye taaliyaan, so the another boy is our hero Sid).

Sid(cold tone)-: no... I will not kill u as I'm very happy today nd i don't want to spoil my mood just because of someone like u.. but don't think ur safe, I will surely not leave u.. he says dangerously making him gulps. He indicates something to his men nd left from there while jai follows him after throwing the whip.

Jai-: why u had leave him Siddharth..?? You know that it's not safe to leave him alive..

Sid-: I know but I'm in a good mood today nd don't wanna do my hands dirty by killing someone like him who doesn't deserve death nor from u neither from me, our men's are enough to kill him...

Jai-: I know but u had not tell them to kill him, u had tell them to give him punishment..

Sid-: yeah nd u know punishment will be harder then death.. he will give us full information also nd will also beg for death..

Jai-: yes.. now let's go to college, we're getting late..

Sid-: no.. u all go I'm not coming today as I have some urgent work.. saying this he left from there in hurry while jai looked at his retreating figure confusingly but after sometime shrugs his thoughts nd leave from there.


Otherside at airport, a girl was sitting grumpily waiting for someone. She was looking at her watch in every 2 mins. She gets up nd was going towards the canteen when she bumps into someone nd glares him/her. Already she was angry nd now this boy who bumped into her had done the work of adding fuel to fire. The boy was going to say sorry but before he could the girl burst upon him.

Girl(shouts)-: can't u see nd walk stupid, idiot, duffer, donkey... Don't u have eye's or what..

Boy-: excuse me..

Girl(shouts)-: what excuse me.. huh..?? Don't u know how to see nd walk nd don't u have any manners or what instead of saying sorry you are arguing with me only... Mannerless creature..

Boy-: I'm not mannerless nd I was going to say sorry but u only start yelling on me without listening..

Girl(shouts)-: so u mean to say all fault was mine..?? I know that boy's like u deliberately bump into girl's like me nd then try to be close with them.. Nd Before saying or doing anything rubbish to me first of all find out who I am nd what I can do with u...

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