Chapter 24 Rage.

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Y/ns pov

Jason and I start to slowly circle one another. This wasn't going to be good. So I get into my fighting stance as Jason draws his pistols from there holsters.

Y/n: "How are you alive...Bruce told me that all of the Robin's died years ago in a huge battle with the joker."

Jason: "heh....thats the thing...after I 'Died' the court found my body and they struck a deal."

Y/n: "What type of deal?"

Jason: "They promised to help ra's al ghul in killing his worst enemy....the court of owls helped ra's al ghul kill Bruce wayne."

My eyes widen as I realize what Jason is saying. He's basically saying that Bruce's assassination was carried out by both the leauge of assasins and the court of owls. They have been working together the whole time.

Y/n: "So the court helped kill Bruce. And in exchange they put your body into a Lazarus pit."

Jason: "Heh. Your smart just like him...but that won't do you any good. Here's the deal. That cowl doesn't belong to you. It belongs to me. So hand it over."

Y/n: "If you want this cowl then your gonna have to tear it from my dead body."

With those words Jason and I charge at eachother. Jason trys to shoot me with one of his pistols. But I'm able to dodge it. Before Jason has any time to react I deliver a hard punch to his mask causing it to crack. Jason quickly stumbles back before opening fire on me again. So I dodge the bullets again before throwing a batarang at the barrel of his gun causing it to explode.

Jason: " little brat!"

Jason tackles me causing us both to fall to the ground. But I'm able to get him off of me. This wasn't a playful sparing match it was a fight to the death...Jason wasn't playing anymore...and neither was i....sorry Bruce. But sometimes rules are ment to be broken.

In a fit of rage I stand up kicking Jason hard in the jaw. Causing more of his mask to shatter. But Jason used the split second in between to shoot me in the side. I stumble back holding my side in pain.

Y/n: "ngh....."

Jason: "heh...your weak....just like Bruce was."

My eyes widen when Jason calls Bruce weak. That's when I finally snapped. Before Jason can say another word I deliver a hard punch to his gut making the second robin spit up blood.

Jason: "ugh..."

Jason trys to shoot me again but this time I was ready for it. I grab one of his guns and fire 2 shota right into his leg. Jason's eyes widen as he sees me fire the gun into his leg.

Jason: " shot me? Batman doesn't use guns..."

Y/n: "SHUT UP!"

I punch jason over and over hitting him as hard as I can. Jason spits up blood as I keep hitting him. Eventually I grab Jason by the arm and quite literally throw him through a wall.

Y/n: "No more mercy! No more second chances jason...this time I'm gonna put you down....permanently."

Jason's eyes widen as he realizes that I wasn't lying.

Jason: "W-wait batman never kills!"

Y/n: "I have a news flash for you....Bruce broke that rule when you and the other Robin's died...he killed the joker!"

Jason starts to crawl twords one of his pistols but I just stomp on his hand causing him to cry out in pain.

Jason: "Aghhhhh please...stop. dont do this. Bruce wouldn't want this!"

I dont respond instead I hit Jason hard in the gut making him spit up more blood. Before delivering 2 more punches to Jason's jaw. Jason just lays there bleeding from his busted lip and from his leg due to the bullet wound.

Y/n: "You don't deserve to wear this cowl!"

I hit Jason again knocking one of his teeth out. Jason slowly looks up at me. He draws his knfe and stabs it into my side. This causes me to grunt in pain. It also allows Jason to get up. He starts to attack me.

Jason: "No your wrong! I'm the only one who's willing to make the hard choices."

As Jason was saying this he wraps a rope around my neck. He starts to try and strangle me. But what he doesn't know is that I secretly drew a batarang. And I took that batarang and stabbed it right into Jason's side making sure that I didn't hit any lethal organs. If Jason todd was gonna die then I was gonna be the one to kill him.

Jason: "ngh you lit-"

Before Jason could finish his sentence I kicked him hard in the gut before slamming his head into the ground. Jason lays there covered in his own blood. He was struggling to breath. So I take this opportunity to grab one of his pistols and point it at Jason's head.

Y/n: "This is for bruce."

But right as I was about to pull the trigger and end this whole nightmare dick and eri arrive. They quickly pull me away from Jason.

Dick: "Y/n stop! This isn't you. Your not a murderer!"

Y/n: "He's the reason for Bruce's death! Him and the court along with the leauge of assasins have been working together this whole time. He deserves this!"

Eri: "No! If you pull that trigger then you become him. If you pull that trigger batman dies...and you become the red hood. You become just as corrupt and just as evil as him."

I slowly growl. My team was right. So I toss the gun to the side before looking at my bloodied hands.

Dick: "Are you gonna be ok?"

I silently nod before walking over to Jason. He looks terrified after all if it wasn't for eri and dick he would be dead.

Y/n: "Help me bring him back to the cave..."

Jason: "Tch....and what are you gonna do to me when we get there..are you gonna kill me?"

Without hesitantion I turn around and punch jason right In the nose knocking him out. After that me and dick load Jason into the batmobile and we speed off back to the batcave...

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