Chapter 8 The return of the demon

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Y/ns pov

(A/n: this chapter takes place 1 week after the last chapter)

It was a day like any other. That is besides the u.a sports festival. But I knew that something was up you see 1 week ago Bruce went missing. I've deduced that ra's al ghul is the one who took him due to the clues that Bruce left. And right now ra's was planning on attacking the sports festival. So I was on my way to find and save Bruce along with saving everyone in the u.a sports festival.

Y/n: "Cmon move faster!"

I tell myself as I run twords the festival. I could see all of the students entering the coliseum again.

Y/n: "I fail...not this time."

So I fire my grappling hook at the upper part of the coliseum. Once I'm up there I jump inside. As I'm falling twords the ground I draw 3 batarangs. Out of the corner of my eye. I see him. ra's al ghul along with his assasins they were all disguise as fans in the crowd. So I throw 3 batarangs at him causing him and his assasins to reveal themselves.

Ra's al ghul: "Ah the detectives sidekick. I'm glad that we finally got to meet!"

Present mic: "Wait what's this?! It seems like the batman has just joined in. And now he's fighting ninjas. Wait is that ra's al ghul?!"

Aizawa: "Yeah that is. Gather the pros!"

Meanwhile me and ra's were in a heated fight. First he nails me hard in the jaw. But I follow that hit up by kneeing the demon in the gut. But little do I know that my mentor isn't far away. He's been tied up next to a bomb. And once I realized that. I stopped fighting ra's and I started to rush twords Bruce.

Y/n: "NO! BRUCE!"

Just then bombs start to go off all around the arena. The students and pros start to jump into action. But I don't even care. Only one thing is on my mind. Saving Bruce. That was my top priority. And yet as I rushed twords him....the bomb went off. My eyes widen as I watch the one person who has been like a father to me for years....get turned to ash.

Y/n: "No!!!"

The blast blows Me back too. Causing me to fall to the ground. My ears were ringing. Everything hurt. But as I started to adjust to my situation. I remember what just happend. It all starts to set in. From ra's plain to Bruce's death. It was all too perfect. But why didn't Bruce escape? He was the dark night of the past. But he had grown old. To the point that if he had tried to escape or fight all of those assasins on his own...that wouldn't work Bruce's heart was weak. And he wouldn't have ever escaped. But why...why wasn't I fast enough. I was so focused on stopping ra's that I didn't realize his real plain...and it cost me Bruce. I failed him. After taking it all in I realized that there was one thing I could do. So I look around around ra's al ghul. And eventually I find him he was trying to make an escape with some of his elite assasins. So I start to give Chase.

Y/n: "ra's al ghul! Your dead!"

That's right. I was pissed and I was going to make sure that ra's was put down hard. So I give chase ra's runs past midnight who trys to stop him. But he just slashes her across the face with his sword. But it was enough of a distraction so that I could catch up. Quickly I rush ra's tackling him to the ground

Ra's: "Heh. Look at you. Your so full of rage! I love it!"

Y/n: "SHUT UP!"

I yell before punching ra's hard in the jaw. Ra's grunts in pain as he trys to slash me with his sword. I quickly block the attack with my arm guards before kicking him to the ground. Ra's kicks me hard in the jaw before standing back up. The 2 of us clash again. But this time I was ready for his attack. Right as ra's goes in for the kill shot I frontflip over him. Once I'm behind him I punch him hard in the jaw making him drop his sword. Once ra's blade is out of the picture I start to land hit after hit on him. Eventually I deliver a swift uppercut knocking the demon to the ground. Once he's on the ground I start beating on him. His blood was now stained on my knuckles.

Y/n: "You took him from me! You took the one person who cared about me! So now I'm going to kill you!"

I keep beating on ra's before grabbing him by the neck. I was clearly ready to snap it. But just as I was about to kill ra's I'm interrupt by midnight and the other pros.

Midnight: "Stop! Killing him won't solve anything!'

Y/n: "Stay out of this. He's mine!"

Midnight: "This isn't what we do! We aren't judge jury and executioner!"

I knew she was right. After all it's what Bruce would have done. So I drop ra's al ghul who is all bloodied and beaten he even had both of his arms broken. Midnight walks over and handcuffs ra's and his ninjas I just stand there emotionless....Bruce was gone. Now what am I gonna do?

I think to myself. Before standing up. Letting  ra's breath. I knew that I couldn't kill him. It's not what Bruce would have wanted. So I deliver one final kick to his jaw knocking him out. After that I cuff him and slowly turn to look at the students and the other pro heros.

Aizawa: "Wait...your just...a kid?"

I dont even reply to what aizawas saying. I just call in the batwing. I wasn't dealing with the pros right now. I wasn't dealing with anything right now...all I could think about was bruce...and how I wasn't fast enough. The batwing lands and I hop in it. Once inside I take off leaving the pro heros and students with ra's al ghul and his assasins all knocked out and ready to be taken in. Meanwhile I fly back to the cave. Once I'm back home I remove my mask and just sit there tears rolling down my face. I had failed...Bruce was gone.

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