Chapter 7 The robins.

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Y/ns pov.

It's been 2 days since u.a was attacked. Currently I was in the batcave just meditating I was trying to let my body heal my broken leg as fast as possible. So I sat there just meditating when Bruce comes downstairs and sees what I'm doing.

Bruce: "Oh? And what are you doing up this early?"

Y/n: "I'm meditating. To try and get over the pain of my broken leg. So I can get back out there."

Bruce: "Dont over work yourself. Otherwise your body will end up stressed and exausted. I learned that the hard way. The years of being batman took a tole on me."

Y/n: "The city needs batman Bruce. I need to get back out there and stop the leauge."

Bruce: "No. No you don't. I refuse to let you kill your body like I did. You need rest. And that's an order."

Y/n: "Fine...but what if the city needs batman?"

Bruce: "For once the city is at peace. I refuse to lose you because you wanna push yourself past your limits."

Y/n: "But I can handel it Bruce. I'm strong enough."

Bruce: "Thats exactly what dick Grayson and Jason Todd told me. Along with my son Damian and guess what. There all dead. So no I refuse to lose another son to this crusade."

I go silent when he mentions the other Robin's. After all they were gone. All of them. Dick Tim Damian Jason. They all died at the hands of that clown.

Y/n: "So...what happend to the joker? Ya know after all of the Robin's were gone?"

Bruce goes silent and I slowly realize what Bruce did. It also tells me why he won't ever put on the batman cowl again.

Y/n: " didn't...did you?"

Bruce: "That was the night I broke my one rule....he killed my sons y/n. I took you on because I hoped that you wouldn't break like I did."

Y/n: " have taken a life...and that's why you stopped being batman?"

Bruce: "the joker finally won...y/n I need you to promise me something."

Y/n: "Of course. What is it?"

Bruce: "Dont ever cross that line. No matter what happens to a better batman. Be the batman I could never be."

Y/n: "Your wrong you know?"

Bruce: "What do you mean?"

Y/n: "What you the joker any sane human would do the same thing that you did. But I promise bruce...ill be the best batman I can be. And I won't take a life."

Bruce nods before looking at my leg.

Bruce: "and I'll keep supporting you. For as long as I live. But right now you need to rest."

I nod as Bruce passes me some crutches I use them to support my broken leg. The 2 of us then head upstairs back to the manner. We have lunch and just relax. Eventually evening roles around. Bruce heads to bed. Meanwhile I turn the TV on to see that the pro heros had everything under control. So I decide to use these 2 weeks to do something that I never got to do as a kid. I was gonna enjoy myself.

Timeskip to the next morning.

I awake to the sound of knocking on the manner door so I get dressed and open it only to see one of the remaining batfamily members who were actually still alive. It was Barbara aka commissioner Gordon.

Barbara: "may I come in?"

I nod and let her inside the 2 of us sit down across from one another.

Barbara: "Did he finally tell you?"

Y/n: "About what? How the joker died...or how the Robin's died?"

Barbara: "Both..."

Y/n: "Yeah he did last night. And I don't blame him for it. He lost his sons. You probably would have done the same in that situation."

Barbara: "I wasn't saying that he was wrong. But Bruce asked me to show you something.'

Y/n: "And what's that?"

Barbara: "Follow me."

She leads me out of the manner and into the graveyard. I had never seen this part before. After all that was because only Bruce and the other members of the original batfamily knew about it.

Barbara: "Yeah...only the original members know about this secret graveyard."

I nod as she leads me to 4 Graves. I recognized the 4 names they were the names of the 4 Robin's. I decide to ask Barbara what they were like.

Y/n: "Barbara...what were they like? If you don't mind me asking?"

Barbara goes silent before taking a deep breath she starts to tell me about the first Robin later the hero nightwing. Dick Grayson.

Barbara: "Dick loved to crack jokes. He was a very caring soul and he was one of my first lovers...we were going to get married...but the joker took that from us both...anyways dick was always light hearted and caring. He would have loved to meet you. And he would have helped Bruce train you. If he was still around."

I nod as Barbara starts to move onto Jason Todd.

Barbara: "Bruce found Jason on the streets he was a punk kid with an attitude problem. But deep down. He had heart. After his death Bruce was heart broken. Jason later came back as red hood...when he was the red hood he broke batmans no kill rule too. But deep down he cared about all of us. If he was still alive he would probably be like a big brother to you..."

I slowly nod as she moves onto Tim drake.

Barbara: "Tim was the 3rd Robin. And he was super smart. However he had a heart of gold. After Jason's "death" tim tracked dick down and asked him to go back to being Robin. But dick denied the request. Tim knew that there needed to be a Robin. So he became the next Robin. Eventually he grew up and became red Robin. Bruce even suspected that Tim would surpass him in intelligence and in detective work...but I guess that never happend.."

Finally Barbara moved onto Damian Wayne.

Barbara: "Damian was a brat when he first arrived. But that's only due to the fact that he didn't get to have a childhood he was raised by the leauge of assasins. Then when he came to Gotham. He was trained by Bruce. And the others. He slowly grew on us all. Dick even took him as his Robin when. Bruce was thought to be dead."

Y/n: "but then...the joker took them from bruce?"

Barbara: "Yeah...Damian put up the most of a fight for the clown. But eventually joker killed him like the others."

I slowly nod understanding why Barbara took me out here. She wanted me to understand that even batman had his allies she was trying to tell me...that maybe it was time for me to take on a Robin of my own.

Y/n: " think I should take a ward?"

Barbara: "Thats your choice....but these guys were Bruce's world. He loved having them around. The Robin's were what kept Bruce sane...well as sane as a man dressed as a bat can be."

Y/n: "then what's keeping Bruce sane now?"

Barbara: " your the one keeping Bruce sane. You give him hope. Your the reason he hasn't given up on the batman mantle."

Y/n: "can you give me a few moments alone...with them?"

Barbara nods and walks off. I turn to the gravestones and kneel in front of them.

Y/n: "You guys were heros...and I'm glad you were around to keep Bruce in check...but I guess that falls to me now...I promise you..ill be the best batman I can be."

With that I leave some flowers on there Graves and I walk outta the graveyard with Barbara.

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