Chapter 2 Playing both sides

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Y/ns pov

I was sitting with Bruce as we were both watching the new. The reporter was going on and on about u.a and how it can teach you to be a better hero. But then. An idea pops into my head.

Y/n: "Bruce I should attend u.a!"

Bruce: "Huh? Why the sudden intrest in becoming a pro hero?"

Y/n: "No no screw the whole pro hero part. If I went to u.a we would have an inside man. I could plant bugs and we could quite literally wire the school. Hell if we wanted we could even upload a virus into there computers plus with Me there I can deduce the heros who are still in trainings weaknesses!"

Bruce: " your saying you wanna infiltrate a hero school so you can hack into there tech and so you can bug the whole school?"

I nod and Bruce just gives me a smirk. Bruce knew exactly what I was thinking. I was thinking of a contegency plain.

Bruce: "Oh my god I chose the perfect successor to the batman mantle. Do you understand that I did this years ago. But instead of u.a it was to the justice leauge."

I smirk and nods as I stand up. Bruce seemed to be super proud he created the perfect successor to his legacy.

Bruce: "Alright get your books. Your going to u.a"

Y/n: "but entrance exams are already over how am I gonna get in?"

Bruce just gives me that famous bat smirk as he calls someone. After 5 minutes of talking/bribing. And pulling some strings he hands me my u.a I'd.

Bruce: "Welcome to u.a but what are you gonna do about your suit and hero name?"

Y/n: "let's see...I can't use batman. What about for my hero gear."

I lead Bruce down into the batcave and pull up a certain suit that Bruce used years ago to make people think that he was dead. I'm of course talking about the insiders suit.

 I'm of course talking about the insiders suit

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(This suit if you want a reference)

Bruce: "that's perfect with this no one will be able to tell that your batman so there for it will work perfectly."

Y/n: "And it has a cloaking device so I can sneak around durring class and at night. Alright so here's our plain. I'm going to sneak into u.a for a month. Durring that month I'll be bugging the whole school with microphones and mini cameras. After that my main goal will be to hack into the school's security system so I'll need to sneak into the principals office."

Bruce: "which the insider suit has a built in cloaking device so it will be perfect for you to use."

Y/n: "Exactly. This plain is full proof."

Bruce: "So what do you wanna call this project? Since ya know it was your idea."

Y/n: "Well this is just incase the heros go Rouge. So I think we should call this project project downfall. Since I'm bringing the school down from the inside."

Bruce: "Sounds good. Just make your way to u.a tomorrow. Oh. And if you can. Try to have a bit of fun."

Y/n: "yeah sure I'll try my best. But I'll be stuck with the worst thing ever....teenagers"

Bruce: "But your only 16 y/n"

Y/n: "Oh please in my head I'm atleast 28"

Bruce: "Whatever just get some sleep. You have a big day tomorrow."

Y/n: "heh yeah I gotta "join" u.a"

Bruce and I chuckle as I head off to bed. Meanwhile Bruce stays up and he starts to look for information on the u.a students on the internet.

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