Chapter 4 Inside information

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Y/ns pov.

(This chapter picks up right after the last one)

I was wandering the school in my stealth suit I start to make my way twords the principles office. If I could just get in there. Then I would have access to everything. From the schools layout to any off site facility's. I would have total control of everything u.a. so I try the door. But it won't open.

Y/n: "great it's locked..."

I start to think before seeing a vent that leads into the office.

Y/n: "perfect."

So I open the vent and crawl inside of it. After all I do this all the time to sneak into buildings. Eventually I find the vent which leads into the principals office. So I open the vent and crawl into the office. Before the cameras can activate I take them out with a small electric charge just strong enough to knock out the cameras and not the main computer.

Y/n: "heh...gotcha. now let's see what you have on here."

I take out a flash drive and plug it into the computer. The drive downloads a program onto the computer giving me full control over everything. From the security features to the secret hidden training facility's. After getting all of that information I download it onto my phone. So I could have access to the  system at all times.

Y/n: "I knew this would work. With this phone. I now control every security system in the school. Not only that but now I know the location of every u.a training facility in japan."

After getting the information from the computer I make sure that it looks normal and that nothing was outta place. Finally I leave through the vent and once I'm outside of the office I close the vents and just like that. I have full control of the school. I send the information to Bruce. Before heading back to class. But before heading into class I change out of my suit so I don't draw attention to myself. After that I head into class.

Aizawa: "Your late."

Y/n: "sorry I got lost. It is my first day after all."

Aizawa nods as he motions for me to sit down. So I take a seat at my desk and I start to pay attention. But secretly I was observing everyone collecting any information I could get on there quirks and there personality. After a few hours the school day ends. I leave u.a when I get outside I can see that Bruce sent a limo to come get me. So I hop in and it takes me back home. Once there I head down to the batcave to check in with Bruce.

Y/n: "Hey old man."

Bruce: "So. Did you get it?"

I nod and show Bruce the information on u.a and the plains for the offsite locations.

Y/n: "tomorrow's disaster training. We are going to this location"

I point out the building that we will be training in.

Bruce: "should I have the batwing at the ready in case something goes wrong?"

I think about it for a second if someone attacks then I'll be defenseless I won't have my insider suit either. Since I put it back.

Y/n: "Yeah. Have the batwing parked in a hidden location. Anyways I gotta get some sleep night bruce."

Bruce: "night y/n hopefully tomorrow goes well."

I nod as I head to my room I crash on the bed drifting off to sleep. Tomorrow's gonna be fine. What could go wrong?

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