Chapter 21 Riddle me this

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Y/ns pov.

As me eri and dick arrive at u.a we can see that it's smoking. Students are being killed off one by one. Ochako and izuku are together. There trying to fight off As many robots as they can. But eventually one robot slams ochako into the ground while another one punches izuku hard in the gut making the poor kid spit up blood.

Y/n: "Nightwing. Robin...I think it's time we put these robots in there place."

Dick: "let's do it.."

I nod as the 3 of us charge into battle I run twords the robots that are about to kill izuku and ochako. With my quick reflexes I throw a batarang right through one robots head causing it to shut down. Eri stabs the other robot through the chest with her staff while dick short circuits the robots with his Escrima Sticks. Izuku and ochako look at us in shock as I slowly walk over to them. Dick helps izuku as I hold my hand to a clearly freaked out ochako.

Y/n: "Its ok...your safe now."

Ochako; "Batman?"

I nod as I help ochako up. But some robots start to open fire on us. There's not enough time to move outta the way. So I do the one thing I can think of. I use my body to shield ochako. As the bullets hit my armor. Lucky for me I updated the fibers on my suit making it bullet proof. But it still hurts alot. Dick and eri quickly take out the robots. I slowly let ochako go but not after making sure that she wasn't hurt.

Ochako: " saved saved me."

I nod as I turn to walk off but ochako grabs my hand.

Ochako: " coming with you!"

Y/n: "No your not. This isn't the leauge of villains...this man is a crazy sociopath who won't hesitate to kill you."

Izuku: "Hey we have delt with villains before. Let us help please Mr batman."

Y/n: "I dont give a damn what you have delt with I'm not gonna put more innocent lives in danger!"

Ochako turns to dick.

Ochako: "You have those 2. And Robin looks younger then us."

Y/n: "Yeah she may be young but she can easily break all of your bones..."

Dick: "You heard what bats said. Now go home."

Ochako; "I'm not going anywhere without my friends!"

I growl before looking at eri and dick. They give me a shrug. So I decide to let them tag along.along.

Y/n: "Fine but you do exactly what I say. That's an order."

Both of thw students nod as we make our way into u.a. once we are inside I notice something which makes my skin was a trophy of some sort...but it had a question mark on it

but it had a question mark on it

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(A/n: oh yeah there back baby. Don't worry I promise you there not all around japan.)

Riddler appears on a monitor as he starts to address me and my little...batfamily.

Riddler: "ahhh if it isn't the dark knight himself I see you found my little gift huh?"

Dick: "Shut it riddler. We are here to stop zero year."

Riddler: "Oh boy wonder I didn't miss you at all. You see that trophy right there? I have 18 of them hidden around the school. It was originally gonna be 20 but you already saved 2 students of class 1.a however each trophy is a bomb. You have 8 minutes to save the remaining students of class 1.a. oh and don't worry about class 1.b. I'm saving them for another project...Goodluck detective."

The screen turns off and a timer starts so I look at my team.

Y/n: "We need to move now! Split up and save the students now!"

Eri and dick nod as they run off down there own respective hallways meanwhile me izuku and ochako run through the main halls looking for students. First we find bakugo and Mina. So I move in cutting the wires to the bombs. Meanwhile dick and eri are off looking for the others. I was on my own. So I started to look for other students. Until...I found iida beaten and bloodied...the riddler was standing there with a knife to his throat

Riddler: "heh look at you...your nothing like the first batman...and now because of your incompetent actions I will kill this boy!"

Riddler goes to bring the knife down on iidas neck. But before he can I fire my grappling hook into his arm before pulling him to me

Riddler: "No get away from me!!"

I pick him up and throw him into a wall.

Y/n: "You tried to kill an innocent kid...I wanna know why!"

Riddler: "Oh batman why would I give up that information?"

I grab his arm and with one swift motion I break it.

Y/n: "Who put you up to this?!"

Riddler: "Heh...the Court of Owls wanted me to test you....and there coming....this wasn't just my plain batman...I want you to be ready....because zero year is just beginning monsters are coming batman...and there all coming for your head...."

Y/n: "....good let them come I'll stop them..."

Riddler: "Whatever I'm sure your friends have disarmed the other trophys too?"

Y/n: "Its over..."

And with that me and my team take riddler in....however the thought lingers with me. What was nygma saying? Who are the Court of Owls and why are they coming to Japan?

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