Chapter 18 Knight vs knight.

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Y/ns pov

Me and eri were on our way to u.a the students were in danger. But as we were speeding twords u.a someone fires an explosive round at the batmobile flipping it over and causing it to slam into a building.

Y/n: "ngh...eri...are you ok?"

Eri doesn't respond I feel for a pulse only to sigh in relief she was just knocked out. Once I figured that out I started to work on getting us outta the batmobile. Eventually after a few kicks I manage to break the glass. So with what strength I had left I pulled myself from the destroyed car. After that I pull eri out of the wreckage and lean her against a wall.

Y/n: "How is this possible the batmobile was made to withstand explosive rounds."

As I'm thinking about this a red dot appears on Eris chest. So I grab her and pull her to safety. Before looking at where the shot came from. Someone was on a rooftop and they were opening fire on us.

Y/n: "Shit shit shit!"

I put eri in a safe spot so she can rest before going after the shooter. Meanwhile the shooter starts to run. Jumping from rooftop to rooftop. I fire my grappling hook at the building he's on and I continue to give Chase. But what shocks me is what the shooter is wearing. He has on a cowl much like mine. And he even has the bat symbol on it. So I grapple onto another building before jumping down and landing on the shooter. We both start to roll on the ground as we eventually come to a stop. I'm the first one to stand up. Staring at the man. He was me. But he had a tone of guns on him.

 But he had a tone of guns on him

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(A/n: like this)

We both look at eachother. Just studying eachothers movements. No detail was left unturned. Eventually I decide to break the silence.

Y/n: "Who are you?"

???: "Your worst nightmare."

And with those words we both charge at eachother I go in for a punch only for him to block it. He trys to knee me in the gut but I stop him before he can do so. The 2 of us keep exchanging blows only for the other person to block the attack. It was like I was fighting myself. So I decide to try a move that Bruce taught me. Quickly I shift all of my focus to this mystery man's neck before delivering a quick jab to it. Knocking the wind outta him. After that I go to deliver a round house kick. Only for this guy to block it. My eyes widen the only person who was able to block that kick was Bruce Wayne. So this guy must have been a student of Bruce's at one point.

Y/n: "The only person who was able to block that kick was Bruce wayne...but he's dead so who are you?"

The man chuckles before standing up. He looks me dead in the eyes. Before just smirking.

???: "Heh...look at you. Bruce would be proud ya turned out to be his perfect successor isn't that right....y/n."

My eyes widen he knows who I am under the mask and there are only a few people know who I am under this cowl. But I don't allow this to stop me.

Y/n: "You just made the biggest mistake of your life!"

And with that I tackle him we both start to free fall until we land on another rooftop. The guy grunts in pain as he trys to stand up. But before he can get up I grab him by the head and pull the cowl off

Y/n: "Oh"

A/n: cliffhanger let me know who you think the grim knight really is

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