Chapter 10 Batman vs eraserhead.

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Y/ns pov.

It's been a few weeks since Bruce's death. I had been investigating some crimes which involved..anti quirk weapons. The main leader of this operation was overhaul. But I also had a big problem. Now that the sports festival was over. I would now have to deal with the pros hunting me. But it wasn't anything I couldn't handel. I head into an abandoned building. Which was overhauls last known location.

Y/n: "This is the place...lets see what we got here."

I start to search for clues about where overhauls main base would be when I saw something was a vial...a vial of blood.  So I grab the vial.

Y/n: "Computer run a scan and find me any matches to the blood in this vial from the bat computers data base."

The computer starts to run the information and eventually the computer comes up with 1 name. Eri. She was just a little girl but she had a terrifyingly powerful quirk.

Y/n: "This kid could be used as a erase quirks all together."

But just as I figured that out I felt something wrap around one of my arms I look down only to see some sorta binding cloth wrapped around my arm. I'm then pulled out of a window and slammed through a wall.

Y/n: "ngh...that cloth...eraserhead!"

Eraserhead: "Stand down batman. Before you get hurt."

I stay silent letting him belive that I'm knocked out. But secretly I'm taking out a batarang to cut the cloth. Once I'm ready in one swift motion I cut my arm free with the batarang before delivering a swift kick to aizawas jaw. He stumbles back but not before using his scarf to throw me out of a window.

Y/n: "ngh.."

I grunt as I start to fall twords the ground. But before I hit the hard pavment I fire my grappling hook into the side of the building landing safely. Aizawa quickly jumps out of the window. He was giving chase to me.

Y/n: "heh."

I quickly role out of the way dodging a kick from. Aizawa before Aizawa could even react I deliver a hard punch to his jaw before following it up by sweeping Aizawas legs out from under him. Aizawa hits the ground but he managed to get a lucky hit in. Which makes me stumble back.

Aizawa: "I've been waiting a long time for this. Your an illegal vigilante. You had to know that we would come for you."

Y/n: "And what are you? Huh your the goverments lapdog! That's all you'll ever be. Your not a hero Aizawa. Your a glorified police officer."

Aizawa glares at me before trying to rush me again. But I was ready for him this time. I draw 4 micro explosives from my belt and throw them at aizawa. His eyes widen as he's blow back to another building. But before he can recover I'm already following him. I jump off of the building that I was on and use my cape to glide over to the building that aizawas on. Before aizawa can even attack I deliver a powerful glide kick sending him back. But aizawa brings Me along for the ride too. Using his scarf he throws me through a window. I grunt as I hit the wall hard. Meanwhile aizawa wipes blood from his nose.

Aizawa: "I gotta admit your pretty good...why don't you join u.a"

Y/n: "And give up my identity. Yeah no."

I quickly rush aizawa tackling him to the ground. The 2 of us go back and forth from me kneeing aizawa right in the gut to aizawa kicking me hard in the jaw. Eventually I see an opening. So I draw 2 batarangs and throw them at aizawa. His eyes widen as one batarang jams right into his shoulder while the other one lodges itself right in his leg.

Aizawa: "ngh. What are these things? Throwing stars?"

Before aizawa can even say another word I deliver a hard punch to his jaw before grabbing him by one of his arms and suplex him right into the ground. I was done holding back. Aizawa slowly stands up he gets into a fighting stance again. And so do I. We both start trading blows from me open palm striking aizawa in the jaw. Aizawa counters by dislocating one of my arms. So I kick the pro hero away before relocating said arm now I was pissed.

Y/n: "Enough!"

I rush aizawa grabbing one of his arms. And bend it the wrong way until a loud crack is heard. I just broke aizawas arm.

Aizawa: "aghhh!"

After breaking that arm I knew that I needed to up the Anti so I punch aizawa hard on the gut causing one of his ribs to crack. And for the pro to spit up some blood.  After that I deliver a hard ax kick to aizawas  back sending him to his knees.

Aizawa: "wh...what are you?"

I grab the pro hero by the neck and hold him up in the air I look directly into his eyes.

Y/n: "I'm batman...and right now we have bigger problems...a kid has been taken."

Aizawa noticed that I stopped trying to hurt him. So he did the same. He sits there clearly interested in the information that I had.

Aizawa: "Explain.."

Y/n: "A villain by the name of overhaul has taken her. She has a very rare quirk. And right now I'm trying to track them both down so I can save the kid."

Aizawa: " want me to help you save a little girl who's in trouble from a villain?"

Y/n: "I dont need your help. I'm just telling you what I'm doing. So it's up to you if you wanna help me or not."

I turn to walk away. But before I leave aizawa yells to Me.

Aizawa: "If you can help me up then I would be willing to help you."

I nod and help the injured pro hero up. And from. That moment on the 2 of us were partners

(Question: should aizawa and y/n become like the buddy cops of this universe? Like ya know they work together and become good friends? Let me know in the comments.)

The detective (mha x male batman reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें