42. Osman

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We invite Malhun, Goktug, Cerkutay, Aygul, Yildiz Abla, and Emir Bey over for dinner that night in honor of our kids. Like last time I stop Bala from trying to do too much. She's spent so many nights sleepless so I can sleep and do my duties in the morning. She doesn't argue with me this time, I make her sit down and pour her some water to drink. In the midst of this moment of calm, I hear Halime'm stirring in the room. Bala'm starts to stand but I force her to sit and tell her, "Bala'm, take a break. I'll go check on her." She gives me a reassuring smile, but still reluctantly follows me into the room. She watches from afar as I pat Halime and calm her down. I kiss her and Hizir's hands. I leave them to sleep and turn to Bala. Clasping Bala's hands in mine I ask her jokingly, "Bala'm, do you think that I can't take care of my own children?"

"Yok (no), istaghfirulllah, Osmanum, I know you love these angels as much as I do. But these children are my everything and to hear them cry makes me want to cry and I need to make sure they are okay. I know their baba adores them as well," she reaches out to my face and brushes her velvety hands softly against my cheek, "I'm proud of you, Osmanum. So proud of what you've accomplished, of the tribe that you've established, but most proud to be the love of such an honorable bey."

"Hayir (no), Bala'm, I'm the lucky one to have found the perfect companion in a beautiful, inside out, woman. The woman whose noble aura has been instilled in these newborns. In fact, they are the most lucky, they got the best of both worlds and we also got the best of both worlds." Osman simpers.

"Destur varmediz (can we come in), Bey'm?" I hear Goktug call from outside the tent. I glance at Bala one last time, giving her hands a squeeze and then call him in. He strolls in with Zeynep in one hand and Malhun at his side. Behind them, Cerkutay ambles in with his hand on Aygul's back looking overjoyed. I wonder what's happening inside my crazy brother's head, but quickly realize that he always has a smile on his face. I allow them all to sit around the table. A few minutes later, Yildiz Abla and Emir Bey arrive as well with Eyman. We exchange stories and tips on how to raise children.

"Bey'im, if you allow me I would like to say something..." Cerkutay speaks up gazing at Aygul for a moment, "...with all this good news and children, I thought it would be the perfect time to announce that we will also be welcoming a baby very soon inshaAllah!" Both Aygul and him can barely contain their excitement. Bala reaches out and draws Aygul into a hug and Goktug pats Cerkutay hard on the back.

"Hey mashaAllah, may Allah bless you with a child that will be worthy of its parents. Kayi Tribe is fulfilling the prophet (SAW)'s manifestation very well. He has asked us to get married and reproduce and mashaAllah we've been receiving good news from all over. May all of our children be the reason Kayi Tribe prospers and clap over the enemy like thunder." I am elated, and I take Bala's hand and we continue to eat. The mood at this table is so lighthearted, I feel like the luckiest being on the planet.

Cerkutay and Aygul are literally made for each other. And we love Osman trying to be a good dad. Can't wait to see Bala as a mom in the show. The story is slowly becoming happier but unfortunately only one more chapter after this! Let us know what other stories you want to read! Vote if you want to!


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