15. Bala

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Osman returns late that night. I'm brushing my hair when he comes in. I get up to greet him, but he ushers me down.

"Bala'm, don't get up, I'll come to you. You need to rest and stay still." Osman says in an unapproving tone. I grin but quickly change it to a frown.

"Osmanum, yiğit (brave) Osman, you just came back from the jackal's nest, you must be tired." I reply.

"Ay (moon) Bala, Gul (rose) Bala, yes, but you've been taking care of yourself, the tribe and our little angel. Anyways, how was your day? How are the people doing, are they recovering from the attack?" There is a slight hindrance in his voice. I can tell he's stressed out by everything going on. He sits next to me and I take his hand.

"Osmanum, have you spoken to Malhun or Yildiz Abla? Yildiz Abla'm is especially distraught because Emir Bey was taken. And don't worry, I can deal with the worries of the people, you just worry about the enemies. If you ever feel overwhelmed, don't hesitate to talk to me, my Osman. I'm here for you." I console him and he puts his head in my lap. I run my hand through his hair and massage his head, I'm sure he needs it.

"Ahhh Bala'm, your pure soul making sure everyone's okay. I ran into Malhun, she seems okay but Yildiz Abla, I'm sure she's upset. Merak etme (don't worry), Bala'm, we'll rescue all our lost ones tomorrow." Osman reassures me.

"Thank you, Osmanum!" I chime in. There is a slight waver in my voice as I recall the tears Malhun shed when I met her earlier.

Wouldn't you love to see Osman putting his head in Bala's lap in the show? It's probably the cutest thing ever!! Let us know in the comments what other Osbal scenes you want to see, maybe we'll write them. Please vote, it really helps!!


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