41. Malhun

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Goktug enters the tent as I lay on my bed, holding my dearest daughter. I look up at him and smile as he comes and sits next to me. I hand him the little angel in my arms and watch as he carefully holds her.

"Any thoughts on what we should name her?" Goktug asks me.

"Well, if you have any ideas, it's fine but I was thinking of naming her after the Prophet's daughter and my mother's name, Zeynep." I beam when I see Goktug'm process the idea. Nodding at me he asks an alp to call for Osman Bey. Within minutes Osman is there. He smiles, takes my child from Goktug's arm and leans down close to the baby's ear and softly whispers.

"Your name is Zeynep, your name is Zeynep, your name is Zeynep." He looks up at us and then leans down to recite the adhaan in her ear. He sets a kiss on her tiny forehead then nods at Goktug and leaves us on our own. When he leaves, my heart is bursting from the emotional overload in front of me.

"Goktug, one year ago, I never imagined to be sitting with you holding our daughter. I didn't even consider getting married let alone having children. But, you know, I don't regret a single decision I have taken in the past, especially the ones involving you." Goktug leans forward and kisses my forehead. I put my head on his shoulder and we sit there with Zeynep'm lying asleep between us.

"Can I come in, Malhun?" I heard Yildiz Abla's voice float through the tent. I look at Goktug and smile when I see his annoyed expression for our little 'moment' getting ruined.

"Yes, Abla'm, you can come in." Goktug gets up as Yildiz enters the tent. However, he takes one look at Eymen, his nephew, in her arms and all his annoyance disappears in seconds. Yildiz hands Eymen to him and sits down next to me on the bed. Just then Bala also asks to enter the tent. When she is also inside, Goktug gives me one last glance and then leaves the tent.

"Hey mashaAllah, look at her!" Bala exclaims when she sees Zeynep. "Did you and Goktug decide on a name yet? If you want, I have a few suggestions.." Bala states. I look at Yildiz when I tell both of them of our decision to name her Zeynep.

"Oh! Malhun, I wish she was here..." Yildiz's eyes water as do mine as we remember our sweet and kindhearted mother. Bala stays quiet for a bit but then moves and hugs us both.

"Anyways, I had a random thought today... how amazing would it be if our kids got married to each other!" she sighs and starts to daydream.

"Wait, Bala, that makes so much sense. I'm down and I think Goktug wouldn't mind." I acknowledge.

"Yeah, but of course if the kids find someone they love, I wouldn't force them to marry anyone specific. Especially seeing how arranged marriages can damage love relationships." Yildiz Abla points out. This time Bala replies.

"That makes total sense, Yildiz Abla. I know first hand how that feels." Bala murmurs. At first I'm confused but then I remember what she and Osman went through to finally get married. "But either way, it works out perfectly. Halime kızım can marry Eyman and Hizir'm can marry Zeynep." We all chuckle at the thought of these little darlings one day getting married and having kids just like them. However, I see Bala looking a little lost.

"Bala, are you okay?" I question, eager to make her feel better.

"Yeah, just exhausted from everything. Taking care of two children has taken a toll on both Osmanum and I. We'll manage though, evelAllah." she tries to muster up all the courage in her voice.

"Bala'm, you're a strong woman, Allah only tests those who He sees fit. You and Osman Bey are both very ready to take on the challenge. Plus, your babies are adorable so I'm sure that gives you a boost as well. And know that we are also ready to help if you ever need us." Yildiz Abla consoles her. The struggle of raising children is real, and I can only imagine how it feels if you have to do double the work the first time. But I'm sure they'll do great. We start to shift the conversation in a more positive direction. Osman Bey has commanded the three of us to start planning all four babies' aqiqah celebration. We talk about food, arrangements, and everything in between. Soon the conversation is full of love and triumph.

We stan a good Bala/Malhun relationship! It's so much fun to see them actually getting along! Yildiz such a big sister, and we're here for it! Comment below what other Balhun scenes you want to see. Sadly, the story will be finishing in a few chapters, so treasure these moments! Vote if you enjoyed!


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