Chapter 37: Challenge

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Kayla reads over the apology letter she wrote for James.

Dear Daddy,

I'm sorry for acting the way I did. My behavior was disrespectful and uncalled for. I'll make it up to you every day if I have to. My anger and hurt got the best of me. I wasn't myself. Halloween night was a mistake, you and mom feared for my life...I thought you were being controlling but your actions were done out of care. I miss ballet. I miss seeing my girls at practice... and I miss our relationship. I just want to be your baby girl again. I won't act the way I did ever again. Please forgive me.  

She sugarcoats the ending by drawing a heart shape as the period. Kay leaves her room to the kitchen. This Sunday morning is overcast by clouds. There's no rain or storm, just a gray blob in the sky. She makes coffee for James. He likes three creams and three sugars in his cup of joe. Kayla whips this up, then ventures to his office. The door is closed; she hears her father typing. His daughter knocks lightly. "Dad?" 

"One second." he replies. She hears him type one last word before scooting from the desk chair. When he pulls in the door. Kay gives him the letter and coffee as if they're gifts. "Oh...thank you!"

"You're welcome." She tiptoes to kiss his cheek.

"Hmm." He shares a suspicious gaze. "What are you up to?"

"Just trying to make amends." The wall phone rings from the kitchen. "I'll get it." Her fluffy pink house shoes mesh with the plush carpet. It might be Kota. If it is...I'm able to talk to him now. Today is feeling spectacular. She answers. "Hello."

"Hello and good morning to you. May I speak to Kayla Harris." A formal woman says from the other side.

"Yes, speaking. I am Kayla Harris."

"I'm calling from the Chicago Tribune Newspaper. Your solo performance has caught our special attention. We've surveyed over a million ballerinas for the consideration for this article feature. And have decided that your passion outshines them all. The team and I are hoping to interview you on Tuesday, if possible. We'll conduct the session at your home accompanied by press and photographers." Kayla ogles the phone, not believing what she's just heard. 


She stutters, trying to respond, but the shockwave on her brain is disorienting. The room spins. Severe vertigo consumes her, wobbling Kay off balance. She stammers...unable to form audible English.

"Yes...I know!" The woman laughs. "This is a groundbreaking opportunity and will steer you in the direction of summer intensive programs. Your career is beginning. Ms. Harris."

"Thank you so much!" Her tongue stumbles over the words. Her thrill is expressed through squeals and hops. "Tuesday is perfect! Thank you! I have to tell my parents."

"Congratulations and goodbye for now."

"Goodbye." Kayla doesn't hang up the phone, she lets it swing back and forth. She checks her parents' bedroom for Mary, but she's not in. "DAD WHERE IS MOM??!" She hammers on his office door.

James opens it, alerted by her crazed yelling. "She's out shopping with your gran. Why? What's the problem?"

Kay jumps up and down, clapping frantically. "I HAVE A INTERVIEW WITH THE CHICAGO TRIBUNE!"

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