Chapter 31: Crushed

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Once Kay's in the car, she stays mute for some time. She's thankful that the radio is on the news station. Her granny isn't aware of her silence. Gloria drives the city streets while listening to the news. "Five beach goers were killed last night in what is assumed to be a cougar attack. Although they rarely populate cities and are mostly drawn to rural areas." Her gran tugs her mouth downward. "Have you seen any other sightings of the vampire?"

Kayla mumbles a no...shaking her head.

Gloria peeks over at her. "Is something the matter?"

"I don't want to talk about it..." Kay mopes.

"Mums the word." She looks behind before switching on a turning signal and changing lanes. "I'll call the Ahoka's to see if they've found him."

Kayla is so distraught that she doesn't even want to hear his family name. It isn't Kota's fault...but I don't want to be reminded of how horrible this dilemma is. For the remainder of the ride, she stares up at the glass towers to take her mind away. Her sour mood has her wishing she'd never been so friendly. He made me forget I had a boyfriend. How is that possible? For the first time...Darius didn't exist to me.

At home, she goes straight to her room. Her parents aren't home, which she appreciates. one else will ask me what my deal is. Kay lays in bed and buries her face in her pillow. She screams out her frustration into the fluffy cushion. Kayla eats little at dinner, which is warmed up leftover homemade pizza. Her parents are working a late night.

Gloria rest her hands under her chin and analyzes her granddaughter. "It can't be that bad."

"It is..." Kay grumbles.

"Let it out...keeping it bottled up only makes it worse."

Kay spears her veggies with a fork. "I was dumb today."


"I can't like them's wrong."

"No...what's wrong is you thinking you have to choose right away. Affections are complicated..."

"It feels like I have no time to choose."

"Don't rush...instead put all your attention on practice until you can decide." Kayla goes mute again; she sadly eats the greens. Is she right? Will distracting myself help? But how does ignoring a problem solves it? I don't know...She stops pondering over it because it's causing a strain headache. After dinner, they go to the balcony. Gloria doesn't participate this time. "Try on your your attention of the current of the night's air."

Kayla closes her eyes and listen to the rippling wind tear through leaves. She visualizes the flow of the air. Her closed lids picture it being mist. She spots a grainy texture edging around the curved vapor. Hears the wind particles bustle. Channel my the and out. Her chest rise and fall with the traveling it swells the sky...her chest pumps. As it fades to falls dormant...awaiting the next sound of a breeze. "I did it."

"You're getting better...keep going."

Kayla stands still, listening for the next gush. Her airways don't fill...her lungs stay flat...until the next rush comes. She's patient for some time...long enough to get lost in her mind. I wonder who was the first Spell Bender? How did they know we were connected to the elements? Are the first ones still alive? I have to ask Gran. I would love to meet my ancestors.

The next gush is long...given it was so delayed. It lasts for ten seconds. Kayla is aided by the force for the long duration. She doesn't struggle...the elements breathes for her when she can't manage the impossible length. The cold force explores her lungs, thrusting out what she can't. The air god works within her...flooding her veins and organs with an enchanted wave.

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