Chapter 22: Unite

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My grandma is being driven here at this very moment by mom! I wished I could've gone but I'm on house arrest. I guess I should be on good behavior to end it faster. Mom talked it out with dad, and I apologized once again. I hope he releases me from this jail. Although he isn't budging on Darius. He really does think he's a bad influence.

Of course, I shut my trap and didn't bicker...but that sunk my gut deep to the depths of my stomach. This can't be forever, can it? Is this a permanent arrangement? Will I ever see my boyfriend again?? I can't imagine this being forever. I don't even think I could love again.

Kayla's mind blooms with the image of Kota. His alluring features, silky dark hair. His ivory irises. The softness she felt when meeting his eyes. He feels...familiar. Like a friend from the past. I sensed no danger...or evil. He must be the good type of vampire. One with a heart. His graceful eyes and peaceful presence grabbed my attention...regardless of there being hundreds of others in the crowd. I can see myself bonding with a friend. Or a possible lover.

She shakes her head to clean it of the thought. No....what am I thinking??! I'm with Darius! Our separation is only temporary. I can't give up on him. Kota will be a friend...and nothing more. Kay sits on a bench built into the windowpane, complete with pillows and a blanket. The blanket is wrapped around her shoulders. She watches the morning sun reflect against the shiny skyrises.

The elevator dings open. Kay sprints from the bench to greet her granny. Her grandmother has her salt and pepper hair in a high bun. This highlights her cheekbones and blue gray eyes. Kayla wraps her arms around her gran, loving the perfume she wears.

One that reminds her of a gingerbread house. Of the many childhood Christmases when they both created the dessert houses. Her mind time travels; vividly revisiting her and Gran squeezing the white cream along the edges and creating the buttons for the doors. This time her freaky time traveling skill isn't alarming...she's thankful for the crisp memory playing before her eyes.

"Hello, my firefly." The old woman's voice is full of spunk, her age doesn't define her liveliness.

Kayla adores hearing her nickname. "Hi, gran-gran."

"How are you holding up?"

Mary, who departs the elevator, double takes. "What do you mean by, how is she holding up??"

Kayla beats her Granny to the punch before she can expose her big secret. "She means about the grounding..." Granny gives a peculiar expression. A baffled response which would translate to "you haven't told her!"

"Oh." Mary shrugs. "I grounded me hundreds of times, this is her first."

"Yes...I assume that comes with the parent role. Although you were unruly. Your mother rode motorcycles with boys. Got illegal tattoos...and totaled my car. Just to name a few." Gran rolls her eyes and puts her hand on her hips. "She has the nerve to ground you??" The old lady laughs. "What did you do?"

"I went to a Halloween party."

"HA!" Gran laughs roughly. "I wished she only went to parties. That would have been less of a headache!"

"Mom...enough." Mary holds the mechanical doors from closing. "Kayla, help with the luggage."

"Don't get embarrassed now, Mary." Gran comically slaps her daughter's shoulder.

Mary throws her mother a chiding look. "Uh oh..." Kayla cringes while rolling two suitcases from the lift. Mary carries a duffle bag and umbrella inside.

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