Chapter 35: Heart

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Since they're being transparent, he decides to share what he learned today at school. "Kayla had a sighting too. I think he's here for me...she saw him stalking me on the beach."   

Dyani almost trips over the solar screen, she catches her balance on the pole beams. "Wait...what?"  

"It was in the trees stalking me."  

"Why?" Odina stifles her breathing. 

"I'm not sure..." 

Matto's forehead prunes up. "We'll know why on Monday. "Did she tell you anything else about it?" 

"No...that's all she knew."

"Why is it bothering you?" Dyani is weary.

He shrugs. "Maybe it thought I died with my friends." 

His sister shivers at the thought of him dying. Odina goes queasy from just the mention of her baby boy as dead. 

Grandad stops patting the damp soil, looking up from his seated position. "Or it may sense your spell bender lineage. You must mystify the creature. You have a slither of magic in you."

"Hold on...." Kota eyes buck protectively. "If he can detect me, that means he know where Kayla is!"

Elu shakes his head in disagreement. "He would be a fool to confront a young bender, Kayla is in her prime and has Gloria protecting her from corruption. Her grandmother is aware of the lurking vampire."

"What do you mean she's aware??" Kota is distressed by the news. "You said lurking...meaning it's been near her."

"Yes...only briefly, and not in close quarters."

"When??! Why didn't you tell me!" He's distraught.

"Kota...all is fine, trust us. Gloria and I have dealt with this one before."

"What does it want?"

"I wish we knew its motive...all we know is that it corrupts our kind and takes them away to never be seen again."

"You mean like kidnapping?"

"No...more like prisoners held somewhere hidden."

"Like to that dugout in Zon-"

"Dyani, hush!" Her mothers silence her with a hiss.

Huh? A dugout. What dugout?? "What is she talking about?" Kota squints.

"Son...we would love to drive you back to Oklahoma to your friends gravesite." His father attempts to maneuver away from Dy's slip up.

"No...tell me what she meant." Kota isn't falling for the trap. "What dugout?"

"A dead end...a useless lead." Elu fables.

"If so...why did mom shush Dyani?"

"Drop it, son." Matto places down the watering jug. "Now, about Oklahoma."

Kota backs away with a suspicious glare. "There's something you aren't telling me. I know about Gloria dropping hints on his whereabouts. I'm not guys talk in code when discussing it. Tell me now!" 

" leave it be."

"About going back home to say..." His mother tries reaching to stroke his face.

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