Chapter 15: Unnatural

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The girls remain silent. Kayla doesn't know for how long. She lost track of time...and of reality. The world is not what she thought it was. The dimension shifting she's done...the vampires she's seen. The otherworldly entity. The visions. The universe is nothing as she was taught it was. Human understanding is far off. Kay gazes down at the casting book and spirit board.

An eruption of firecrackers breaks the silence. The crackling explosion shockwaves through their bones. They all jolt and eye the window. Orange and green  blast the night. Kayla collects the book, returning it back to the slot in the case.

"What was talking to you?? On the board??" Mya croaks. "ANSWER ME KAYLA!! WHAT WAS SPEAKING TO YOU?!"

"And where did we go??? Where was that?!" Jia is frantic.

"I don't know....but I dreamed it before."

"What was moving the board piece?!" Mya shrieks.

"I'm not sure...but I call it an air god. That's what it seems like. It controls the wind."

"No, you said the words, then it obeyed you." Jia shakes her head. "How?"

Kayla turns to face them, she's more leveled headed than they are. Her voice doesn't even waver as she replies. "It's my legacy." Kay accepts everything her grandmother told that she has proof. She doubts nothing anymore. Questions nothing. "It's all true...everything my gran told me is true."

"Let us out of this room!!" Mya screams. Kay goes to the door and simply opens it, facing no struggle with the handle. Her peeps sprint out, their dresses fluttering fast behind them. The two press the elevator button, ringing it up. The kitchen phone warbles just as fireworks pop off. Her companions shriek in response. Kayla, who is past being petrified, barely flinches. There's no need to be skittish...I'm a part of this peculiar world now.

She goes to answer the phone. It's Darius. "I'll be over soon. I checked with Izzy, Fred, and Chester. They should be there already. Time to go raid for candy!" he exclaims, all stoked up.

"Perfect! Can't wait. I'll see you soon."

"Bye, baby."

"I love you." Her newfound confidence as a nonhuman gives her enough courage to speak the words.

Darius sucks in a breath, he's flabbergasted by the declaration of affection. "You said it...?" Her boyfriend gives a harsh laugh. "Wow...I love you."

She cheeses hard. "Hurry over, so we can say it in person."

"Will do, superstar." He hangs up.

Kay returns the receiver to the holder, then goes to the hall. Her clique is gone. They fled downstairs. She calls up the elevator. Once downstairs, in a shiny lobby, she marches as fast as possible outside. Her classmates mingle with her girlfriends.

I hope they didn't sense anything odd. I don't think they'll be easily convinced that I'm somewhat of a witch. Jia and Mya play calm as best as they can. Kayla sees through their faulty façade. The twitching of their hands and their uneven breathing. Even their dull eyes...eyes that have seen the unbelievable.

"But I thought we were all going? That blows!" Fred protests. "But you guys dressed up? Why the change of mind all of the sudden?" He eyes the two.

Kay jets over before her friends can speak. There's no telling what Mya will say...she might actually spill the beans. Jia, on the other hand, might make up a better excuse. At least that's what she guesses. Kayla has no clue how her friends will function after being shown a world that should be make believe. "They're joking!" She laughs. "We're all going."

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