Chapter 13: Bond

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The phone drops from her hands, banging to the floor. Kayla's eyes widen. The sight of sharp teeth dripping with blood horrifies her. A vision of red eyes peering out of darkness. Of an inhuman figure soaring the air. She makes out blonde hair on the creature.  

Kay wedges her hands against her eyes, pressing down hard. Hard enough that her eyelids are spotted with white pressure. WHAT WAS THAT?? WHAT AM I SEEING??! She backs away from the wall phone. NO WAY!! THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS VAMPIRES!!!  

Kayla runs to the restroom to drown her face in chilly water. She gasps for air. "No...that's not possible. Vampires are fake. People dress up as them on Halloween." She recalls the costume goers from the mall. The bungie jumping crew free falling from the ceiling. Their flowy capes rippling the air. Their sharp teeth blood-stained

"'s made up. It's all made up..." Kay whispers to herself, convincing her mind to disregard what her grandmother just told her. But what was that vision? Was it another nightmare happening outside my sleep?? I think it was a man...but he had red eyes and was flying through the air. Humans don't do that.  

She sits on the cool bathroom floor, with her head in her hands. Kayla stays put in this position for hours. Her mind is in a whirlpool. What if it's true? I don't understand why grandma would lie, she's not the type to enjoy scaring people. Halloween isn't even her favorite holiday. Is it true? Are there really vampires?? Are there really werewolves?? Are there really Spell Benders?? And am I one???

The school hour approaches, so Kay gets up from the floor and goes to shower. The icy cold water relaxes her tensed shoulders. But her mind is still erratic. Am I part of a legacy?? That would explain how I was able to summon air. Why did that wind entity visit my dream? What if I'm just losing my mind? No one has witnessed paranormal activity but me. Not my parents or my friends. Could it all be in my head??

I guess there's only one way to find out. Tonight, me and my girls will use the Ouija board. If nothing occurs when I'm around means I need psychological assistance. If something does...then I'll finally have a solid answer.

Photography class is full of teens in scary costumes. Zombies, Grim Reapers, Devils, Witches....and of course, Vampires. Kayla inches to her desk, scared of the fake bloody teeth. Her green fairy costume contrast lovely on her dark skin. Her face of glitter and sparkling wings shine in the sunny classroom. Jia also sports the same look, only her tan skin is sprinkled with gold glitter instead of white as her friend's is.

Ms. Ruby chose to be Morticia, from the Addams Family. Although her bubbly demeanor offsets the character. She's too down to earth to be evil. She uses orange chalk to draw a huge smiley face onto the blackboard. "Good morning, Class!" She sings in a spooky tone.

"Good morning, Ms. Ruby!" The class matches her spookiness.

"Happy Halloween. Today we'll be capturing a picture of something unusual."

One girl raises her hand. "What do you mean by unusual?"

"Out of the ordinary...or bizarre. Think of it as a scavenger hunt. I've hidden figurines in the hallway. Locate them to complete today's assignment."

Jia claps enthusiastically and peers at Kayla with pure exhilaration. "This is going to be so fun! Come on!" She springs from her chair, looping her arm into Kays. "Time for a scavenger hunt!" Jia skips to collect their camera from a tray on the teacher's desk. Then she hops out into the hall, forcing Kayla to do the same so she doesn't fall. Jia studies her friend. "What's wrong? You're so quiet."

"I didn't get good sleep."

"Was it another bad dream?" Her friend grimaces.


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