Chapter 27: Plan

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At midnight, Gloria and Kayla continue their practice. Kayla is able to breathe out air for a constant 7 seconds. She bounces up and down like a wild bunny. "I DID IT!"

"Shh..." Gloria observes the door of the art studio. "But yes, you did it!" she exclaims in a lower shout. 

"What's next?"   

"We're still on shadow breathing, dear. You haven't accomplished it until you breathe without expelling oxygen."

"How am I supposed to do that?"

"Close your eyes." Kay shuts them. "You have to learn to ignore the urge to breathe by finding a lifeline through nature. This will allow you an unorthodox live span."

"A what??"

"The less you breathe, the longer you live...and the slower you age."

"This can slow down aging??"

" borrowing from the earth." 

"How long could I live?" 

"My grandmother is 210 years old. "Of course, she had to fake her death and disappear to not reveal this secret."

"Whoa, 210 years old...?" 

"And she doesn't look a year over 40.'

"Teach me how to do that?!"

"Calm your'll learn in time. It's best we take small steps. Now...silent." How does she expect me to be silent after that bombshell?! I can live to be extremely old?? I wonder what's the highest age. Can Spell Benders ever die? Are we immortal like vampires?? "We'll begin with pursed lip breathing; this will reduce your lungs to work less by keeping your airways open longer. The key is to decrease lung activity to help you ignore it. Inhale slowly through your nostrils. Pout your lips as if you're blowing outward. Breathe out as slow as possible through your lips. 7 seconds out. Then hold." 

Kayla does the technique with ease, to her it's simple enough. Even when her granny tells her to repeat it ten times. She does so naturally. As Kay exhales for 7 seconds, she gets lost in of world where she could be immortal. Could I live longer than Kota? Given vampires have endless life...could I also have that? But I wouldn't want to outlive Darius. That'll be the worst! Unless...I can slow his aging too? I have so many questions to ask Granny.  

Kayla repeats the exercise ten times...and is captivated by her chest, which moves lesser than before. Its motion isn't as long in duration. It should be working every it moves every 7 seconds. "I can't believe this is possible..." She expects her dormant chest...counting to 7 before it works on its own to pump up and down. My respiratory system is so laxed. My airways are full enough without me having to hold my breath! "It's like it's on autopilot!"


"Sorry...but this is so neat!" She whispers.

"Next lesson, you'll be breathing with the wind. So, practice this every morning without me....and with me at night."

"Yes, ma'am."

"Don't stay up talking to that boy all night. You need good rest."

"How did you...?"

"I have eyes...I saw the radio."


"Darius has a very high energy...that's how I know he's good for you."

Kayla blushes. "I know...he was shining."

"Yes, love is a marvelous thing. Your dad will see this soon and set you free."

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