Chapter 41: "Battle Plans"

Start from the beginning

We made our way upstairs and down the hallways, as we entered the room where he had most of his gadgets and where he had stored the Funtime Bonnie suit for Bon Bon. Already I could see Mangle and Funtime Foxy waiting for us, as me and Foxy's eyes met. She looked relaxed from how she was earlier but she still looked liked a mess, one that was losing herself and drowning in her problems that was consuming her. She looked away as soon as our eyes met, showing she did not want my help even with her current state and how it was affecting her. 

"We're all present. So what did you want to discuss?" asked Michael as everyone poured into the room. "Our plan of attack," said Duality as we all turned to the sound of his voice. The computer used for him was placed on the table where parts and electronics were also resting nearby as well. "Yes. More specifically our battle plans on how all of you will be attacking the pizzeria soon," added on Henry. "He's right. If we intend on attacking the source and end to our problems we can't rush in blindly without a plan. Especially after what happened when you guys surveyed the place the first time and got ambushed," said Mangle in agreement. "Good point," said Bonnie as we all gathered around now with Henry and where Duality was. "A concrete plan does not need to be formed immediately, though having the baseline or general idea of how to approach our attack will help with the remaining time we have left and when we do finalize the plan," said Henry as he turned to Duality. "Duality. Put the map on view for everyone to see." The next second a digitalized map appeared coming from the computer that pretty much was 3D, showing to be a map of the area where the pizzeria was. "Computer maps? Ha! There's nothing Duality can't do," expressed Springbonnie. "I presume this is a map of the pizzeria and the area around it?" asked Mangle. "Correct. This 3D map will allow us to see all the paths we can take, all the roads, buildings, and anything that can be used to plan our attack. Ultimately, it will help determine the best course of action," responded Henry. "Let us start then. First, Freddy. If I recall you and the others encountered construction workers disguised as endoskeletons, most likely what his army will be made up of, blocking off the street that lead to the pizzeria?" "Yeah. Wouldn't have thought for a second they weren't real humans, but that's just me underestimating what William is capable of. It's probably safe to say he also every street that connect or leads to the pizzeria blocked and protected with endo-skeletons. Having them as construction workers would also ensure nobody would question or care that construction is occurring," I responded. "Quite right you are," responded Duality. "From the information I have gathered since that encounter there are indeed two more constructions sites for the remaining roads that lead to the pizzeria, or defense posts to be more accurate, to deny any easy access to the pizzeria by the road. Of course false IDs and all the sorts for the disguised endoskeletons were made and a fake work long for construction work to ensure it seems legitimate so no one wouldn't even know that this is fake." "How many endoskeletons were at that defense post?" asked Henry. "Eight to be exact from my calculations and the same amount for the other two defense posts. Possibly more but I have insufficient data to come to a conclusion regarding that," responded Duality. "So that's all we know of their defenses," assumed Mangle. "Unfortunately, yes. I also have insufficient data on that matter so I cannot say what other defenses and how many William has made to counter any threats. We simply don't and probably won't know what to expect when our attack occurs," responded Duality. "So will we not be able to get through on foot?" asked Bonnie. "Your chances of success of an attack on foot are low. Your best chance would be getting the car through the parking lot so all of you have a better chance of sustaining as little damage as possible before entering the pizzeria. However that also raises the risk of having the car surviving for that long and also making the car a target that. If it is stopped or destroyed it will hinder your progress, and being in the car as will, if destroyed, could possibly destroy all of you as well," explained Duality. "Getting the car past one of the checkpoints and to the pizzeria is risky, but done properly can prove sufficient to the tide of the battle," said Michael. "If we're going to rely on the car we should park it or hide it somewhere, then takeout the endoskeletons at one of the checkpoints and bring the car in once it's clear," I suggested. "Hmm. Good idea. We'll clear the way and eliminate as many obstacles as possible. However where do you propose we hide the car? If we leave it out in the open or somewhere the enemy can find it and possibly destroy it, our plan will immediately fall into pieces," said Mangle. I didn't respond as I hadn't thought of anywhere to hide the car, though it was something to consider. "The hideout my father has at the park. What if we hid the car there?" asked Michael pointing on the map. "There? Well, that could work but its also enemy territory. Your father's minions could also be stationed there which would make things worse for us, or possibly find out about it," I said. "We could have three people stationed to guard the car, while the rest take control of the checkpoint. It may be risky but you have to take risks to gain progress," said Michael. "Fair enough," I responded. "Alright, then we should take that road that lead to the park, open the hideout and park the car there and have three people guard it and have the rest deal with the checkpoint and clear it. What about the other checkpoints? They may be signaled to deal with the people who storm the first checkpoint or try to reinforce?" said Mangle. "We could have the people who are with the car go to a different checkpoint and bust through. All the checkpoints can't all be covered at once with their forces divided and spread thin at that point," suggested Bonnie. "Fair point. Though they could just be enforced with more endoskeletons, considering we don't know the size of William's force. Not to mention Elizabeth or anyone else could be sent to deal with us at the checkpoints," reminded Mangle. "And there's the matter of what we don't know past the checkpoints and the parking lot for the pizzeria." "If you were to bring me along during the final battle I should be able to detect and pinpoint any traps, devices, or surprises that will ease the thought of the unknown," said Duality. "Are you sure?" I asked. "I am well aware of what will happen to this world if we lose and my primary function is to help you all the way until the end if necessary. It was why I was created in the first place," responded Duality. "Well, then that covers that problem," said Bonnie. "For that part, yes. We still need a plan if reinforcements are sent once we deal with the checkpoints," reminded Mangle. "Then we'll still send the car to pickup the rest of us and head to the parking lot. As long as we are near the pizzeria or close enough to where we can enter then we can use it for cover, as we only need it to transport us and get close to the entrance," stated Michael. "The devices we have will also help us, at least, if we encounter someone like Baby or Golden Freddy. After all we've been preparing to deal with any of them these past few days with Funtime Freddy," said Bonnie. "True... Still, there's no doubt Michael's father has many surprises for us that we have no idea of and that worries me the most. Especially what he is capable of," I expressed. "A fair thing to consider. Though considering Duality's intelligence made to match William's, all your training, and my assistance, it won't be simple for him to easily stop us. Just halting or making William think twice on what move to make on us is enough for us to know we have a chance at stopping him, even if the amount is so small it is impossible," said Henry. "What happened to having the courage and spirit of taking down William you clearly had a while ago? I thought you regained that back?" asked Helpy. "It's still there... Just barely," I responded. "Alright, I think this will suffice. We got the basics of our battle plans down so we can regroup later and discuss more for when the battle comes. In a little bit I'll let you know when to head off to retrieve the last of my devices, as it will become morning soon and being out in the light is a risk we cannot afford to take," said Henry. "I would suggest taking the time now to continue perfecting the training all of you went through, or perhaps relaxing for the time being. The choice is yours." "We'll keep that in mind. Thanks," responded Michael. "Alright. I'll be in my room if any of you need me for anything," said Henry as he walked past everyone and out of the room. "Shit. I gotta clean up the mess I made downstairs," said Helpy. "I'll help, remember? Shouldn't be too hard," said Springbonnie as everyone made their way out of the room. "That's not the problem, what will be is if the area the soda was spilled on is sticky," responded Helpy as they both left the room. "Michael. Can you spare some time? We need to talk," I said stopping him as he started to walk out of the room. "Sure. About what?" Michael asked as he turned around to face me. "It's... well... I'll tell you in a moment," I responded as I turned to Duality. "Duality, you're done assisting Henry I assume?" "Indeed. And I'm well aware of what you wish to discuss," he responded. "Then you understand why this discussion must happened... Why I need someone to talk to," I responded. "Honestly... I'm not sure if talking is going to make a difference... but it's the only option I have in mind... It's the only thing keeping me going."

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