Chapter 20

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Around a month had passed since the battle and Hiccup was still unconscious.

Life on Berk changed for the better though. Vikings and Dragons were finally living in peace. Many Vikings were learning how to ride dragons and there were even areas throughout the village where dragons could stop for a meal.

I was able to walk around the village in dragon form without everyone freaking out once a week had passed, but I was only ever in human form when I was alone with Hiccup and was absolutely sure that no one would come to check on him.

At the beginning of the fifth week, I was watching over Hiccup in the living room of his hut. Stoick and Gobber had relocated his bed in front of the hearth to keep him warm. I stayed in dragon form just in case someone decided to check on Hiccup. It wasn't fun, but it was better than my secret being found out. Everyone on the island thought I was a male dragon named Toothless after all.

I whined and rested my head next to Hiccup's hand.

"I miss you.." I said, but I knew he wouldn't understand me or hear me.

I nudged his hand to see if he would wake up and I was shocked when his hand twitched and his nose scrunched up. I jumped around a bit and nudged him again and he groaned as his eyes slowly opened.

"Wha..?" Hiccup slowly said as he woke up fully.

I cooed in joy and nuzzled him purring like crazy. Hiccup laughed and nuzzled back.

"Hey Kala.. I'm happy to see you too.." He said, his voice full of sleep.

I jumped up onto the rafter that was above his bed, accidentally hitting him with my tail. I whined in apology and he chuckled.

"It's okay.. What–" He cut himself off as he noticed where we were. "Um..I'm in my hut.." His eyes widened and he looked up at me. "You're in my hut..!"

I purred and nodded as a way to answer him.

"Does Stoick know you're in here..?" He asked as he sat up in his bed.

I nodded again as I hopped down and sat beside his bed. I nuzzled him again and he smiled and nuzzled back.

"Yeah..I missed you too..sorry for worrying you.." He said as he hugged me tightly.

I purred louder and hugged him back with my head. I could tell he knew why I hadn't transformed yet.

After we separated, he gained a confused look and slowly removed his blanket then looked at his legs. He froze in place with wide eyes when he saw the prosthetic. I whined and nudged his arm.

"I.. Y-yeah..I-I'm okay.. Just shocked is all.. Help me up..?"

I nodded and helped him get off the bed. He struggled to stay upright and leaned against me for support.


He slowly started to limp towards the door once he was confident enough in not toppling over. I walked beside him slowly so that way he had me to lean on. He lost balance after a couple of steps and I quickly caught him and helped him stand again. He smiled and scratched my head.

"Thanks.." He said and I purred in response.

Slowly but surely, we made it to the front door and Hiccup opened it to go outside, but quickly closed it again when he saw Hookfang right outside with Snotlout on his back.

Hiccup took a few deep breaths to calm his nerves then he looked at me.

"Stay here." He ordered then opened the door again to go outside.

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