Chapter 12

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After Kala and I got back to the cove, I went back to the village once all the flight gear was hidden away in the cove. I figured that would be the best option since everyone was back from the search. When we were testing out the flight gear over the ocean earlier, Kala and I had spotted the beat up ship sailing slowly back to the island.

When I got back into the village I immediately went to my personal work room. My thoughts were reeling from everything that just went down.

Kala and I kissed. Multiple times in fact. It felt like I was going to burst from all the emotions that flowed between us when we did.

As I sat down at my desk to think things through, I noticed that my desk was covered in sketches of Kala in both human and dragon form and even rough blueprints for different kinds of tailfins and saddles I came up with. It's only been close to a week and I somehow came up with all of these drawings in that amount of time.

When did I even have the time to do so many? I've spent most of my time with Dragon Training and perfecting the flight gear for Kala.

My eyes widened a bit. Did my dad know about what was going on in training? Has Gobber already told him everything? What if he doesn't believe that I've actually been doing well?

I shook my head to clear it.

"Calm down Hiccup. It won't be that bad. Dad will be proud of you for doing so well. Yeah. There's nothing to be worried about. He'll be proud." I said to myself to calm my nerves.

I looked at all the sketches again and started to gather them up. If I knew my dad, he would be coming here to talk to me.

There is no way in the Nine Worlds that I would let him see all of this.

Once all of the sketches were gathered up, I took down the blueprints that I had hung up throughout the days that my dad was gone and put them in the pile of all the sketches.

I found an empty basket and put all of the drawings in it, then covered them up with scraps of leather.

As I was putting the basket back under my desk I heard crashing coming from the main room of the forge. I smiled a bit and shook my head as I left my work room. I already knew who it was. My dad never entered the forge unless really necessary because he always ran into things no matter how careful he was.

When I got into the room, my dad was trying to maneuver around some weapon barrels and some shields. He wasn't doing a very good job at it though.

"Hey Dad." I said as I leaned against the doorframe to my work room with my arms crossed. He jumped a bit and looked in my direction.

"Hiccup! There ya are son! Been lookin' for ya."

I raised a brow. Has he been looking for me since he got back?

"You have? Why?" I asked, already knowing the answer. My dad laughed a bit.

"To talk to ya about Dragon Training of course! Gobber told me how well ya've been doin'. Said you have a way with the beasts."

I nodded a bit. If only he knew how I got so good with dragons. He may not be as happy as he is right now.

"Yeah I guess. It's not a big deal though."

"Not a big deal?" He laughed and patted my shoulder. I stumbled a bit from the force, but straightened myself again. "Oh that's good son. Not a big deal. It most certainly is a big deal! Just wait until you spill a Nadder's guts for the first time! And mount your first Gronckle head on a spear! WHAT A FEELING! You really had me going there, son. All those years of the worst Viking Berk has ever seen!"

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