Chapter 13

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The next morning Hiccup and I went for a flight around the island before he had to head back for training. It was my idea since I noticed how nervous he was about today. It worked. As we were flying I could feel him physically relax on my back.

Once we were back in the cove he gave me a quick kiss on the snout and ran off to get to training on time.


I hated that I had to leave Kala alone so quickly today, but I didn't want my dad to question me about being late to training either.

I was the first one to the Kill Ring this time and I was so early that I was able to help Gobber set up barriers for us trainees to hide behind during the training session.

Since it was the semi-finals everyone in the village was coming to watch. My nerves were going haywire at the thought of it.

'How will I be able to get through this with everyone watching?! Nothing I do is harmful! There's bound to be someone that sees that if I get close to the dragon! They'll know I've been lying! This isn't good!'

After Gobber and I finished setting up, the others finally showed up and Gobber had us all group together.

"Alright. So today is it. This is how we'll decide who gets to kill their first dragon. The one to knock out the Gronckle without getting out is the winner. Got it?" Gobber explained. We all nodded in understanding. "Good. Get ready. The whole village is gonna be watchin' ya."

And with that, all of us got ready and waited for everyone to arrive.


As the semi-finals went down it was more chaotic than usual. All of the others were so determined to win. It was a slow process.

The twins got out first, just like the first time we went against the Gronckle. Then it was Fishlegs. And then Snotlout.

I hid behind a barrier to collect myself and try to figure out how to keep from knocking out the poor thing. I did not want to be the winner. At. All.

Astrid quickly hid beside me and glared at me.

"Stay out of my way! I'm winning this thing." She stated angrily. I raised my arms in a giving-up way.

"Good. Please, by all means." I said, not wanting to argue with her. She deserves this honor more than I do. I didn't want to be a part of training to begin with.

After that it all went by so fast.

Astrid left and hid behind another barrier, I stayed where I was, but the next thing I knew the Gronckle was coming my way. Out of instinct I reached out and scratched under its chin, then it fell to the ground fast asleep just as Astrid was running at it with a war cry.

I stood there sheepishly and waved at her just a bit.

Astrid looked horrified then she became pissed off.

"NO! NO! SON OF A HALF-TROLL, RAT-EATING MUNGE BUCKET!" She screamed as she swung her axe about in anger. I winced and started to slowly back away to the entrance of the ring.

My dad stood to get everyone to quiet down.

"Wait! Wait!" He bellowed and it went silent immediately. I took this as my chance to leave.

"So, later." I said as I quickly turned to bolt out of the ring. But before I could, Gobber grabbed me.

"Not so fast!" He said as he pulled me back to where my dad and Elder Gothi could see me. He held me there for a bit and then pulled Astrid over and let go. I stayed in place as my anxiety kicked in and froze me in place.

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