Chapter 18

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Once the Nightmare was done comforting me, I was able to convince all the dragons to allow me and the other teens to ride them. It took a few minutes, but in the end, they agreed by giving me friendly nudges. I smiled and gave all of them scratches.

"Thank you. This means a lot to me and I'm sure it will mean a lot to Kala too."

After a couple minutes of me showing the dragons my gratitude, the others finally showed up.

"We're here." Astrid said as she ushered the others into the Kill Ring.

I calmed the Nadder down as it grew skittish when the others entered. Surprisingly the other dragons were calm as could be. Maybe the Nadder was just jumpy around Astrid.

"Um..if you're planning on getting eaten, I'd definitely go with the Gronckle." Fishlegs said as he tried his best to stay away from the dragons. I paid no mind to the comment as I calmed the Nadder.

It started to purr as I helped smooth out its tail spines. I smiled and continued to smooth them out.

"'re alright.. They aren't going to hurt you." I soothed and the Nadder nudged my side purring happily. I laughed a bit.

Tuffnut came up to me and got super close. I backed away a bit and the Nadder and Nightmare growled. I raised my hand a little to calm them.

"You were wise to seek help from the world's most deadly weapon. That's me." He said as he gestured to himself.

"I love this plan!" Snotlout stated, there was joy clear in his voice.

'Don't tell me he thinks I'm going to let a dragon eat me..' I thought exasperatedly.

"Uh..I didn't even.." I tried to explain, but Ruffnut got close and personal with me like Tuffnut did.

"You're crazy! I like that..~" She flirted, I backed up into the Nadder feeling very uncomfortable.

"Look I'm not going to let a dragon eat me! Astrid, what did you tell them?" I asked, feeling somewhat left out.

"Just that you wanted us to meet you in the ring and dragons would be involved." She said nonchalantly with her arms crossed.

I groaned and ran a hand down my face. "I told you to tell them that I was going to help you guys tame your own dragons so we could go save mine."

"I know, but if I said that they wouldn't have come here in the first place." She stated as-a-matter-of-factly and I rolled my eyes.

"Wait, wait, wait. Tame?! So that's what you've been doing this whole time?! Taming the dragons?!" Snotlout exclaimed, anger and a hint of fear in his voice.

"No, I've been teaching them tricks. Of course, I've been taming them, Snotlout!" I retorted, and that got him to shut up. "Look, I can't stand being away from Toothless like this. Just the fact that he was forced to show the chief how to get to the Nest angers me to no end. So, are you guys going to help me rescue him or not?"

"Wait. You want to rescue the Night Fury? Are you crazy Hiccup?! Night Furies are super dangerous!" Fishlegs squeaked out.

"They're only dangerous when they need to be. I know Toothless better than anyone. He's not a killer, and I'm proof of that. He's the sweetest dragon in the world. So will you help me or not?"


For the rest of the time we were sailing, I was completely out of it. The noise in my head washed out any other noises going on around me, so all I could do was look towards where the noise was coming from.

I finally came back to my senses as the boats made it to shore. I whined and struggled against my restraints.

'No! I don't want to be here! This nest isn't safe! I want to go back to the cove and spend time with Hiccup!'

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