Chapter 5

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The next morning I was playing with butterflies in my dragon form to pass the time. The cove was so peaceful. I wasn't even bothered by the storm that hit the night before. Rain always seems to calm me since I was a hatchling. I am not sure why, but I am glad that it has never scared me before. A mighty Night Fury like myself would be super embarrassed if that was the case.

A few minutes passed by, then I froze in place when I heard someone coming. Thinking that it may be someone besides Hiccup, I hid on top of some boulders and waited for the intruder to reveal themself.

As the person came into view I relaxed. It was just Hiccup. He had a basket of fish and some materials with him. He looked around for me as he set the basket down.

"Kala? Where are you? I didn't mean to scare you."

I jumped down in front of him and crooned in greeting.

"There you are. I see you wanted to dragon it up today. I brought you some fish. Didn't know if the lake here would have enough for you." He said as he grabbed a fish from the basket and held it up to me.

I looked it over and sniffed at it. I purred happily and opened my mouth to take it, but before I did Hiccup tilted his head a bit.

"Huh. Toothless. I could've sworn you had..."

Just to mess with him, I quickly unsheathed my teeth and took the fish from his hands. He jerked his arms away quickly and held them close to his chest with a scared look on his face.

"Teeth..was that really necessary?"

I swallowed the fish and laughed. Hiccup rolled his eyes.

"Oh ha ha. Very funny."

I then got an idea and pushed him down with my snout, making him sit against a rock.


I sat back on my haunches and started to regurgitate half of the fish I just ate. Once it was up, I let it fall into his lap and I sat back tilting my head while purring.

"Ugh..seriously Kala?"

Hiccup picked up the fish and was about to toss it aside, but I nudged his hands whining.

"What? You want me to eat it? Really? It was just in your stomach!"

I huffed and nudged his hands again. Hiccup sighed and took a bite of the fish, but he wouldn't swallow it. I whined again and made a swallowing motion. He gave me an exasperated look then swallowed the piece and shuddered. He looked at me and smiled awkwardly.

"There. Happy now?"

I nodded and attempted to smile back, but I had never done it while a dragon before. Hiccup stifled a laugh and he tossed the rest of the fish at me. I easily caught it and swallowed it.

He stood and went over to the basket then started to take out the materials he brought with him.

"I figured I would get the measurements of your tailfin today and show you the materials I was thinking of building it out of." He looked over at me with all the materials in his arms. "That okay with you?"

I nodded purring and went over to him. I sat down and moved my tail in front of me with my right tailfin spread open. Hiccup smiled and set all the materials down and got to work with measuring.

"I know you can't talk as a dragon, but is it okay if I tell you about my day?"

I nodded and crooned in response as a way of saying yes. He smiled and nodded back.

"Great. Because there is a lot I wanna talk about. Training today was..well for lack of a better word..interesting. We went up against a Deadly Nadder. There was a maze set up in the ring and everything and we had to try and find the Nadder's blind spot and strike it." He sighed and shook his head. "I hated it, Kala. All I wanted to do was figure out why we know next to nothing about your species. The only thing the Dragon Manual has on you is advice about staying alive. No speed stats, size stats, there's not even a picture. The only advice it said was to never engage and pray to the gods to not be found. Crazy right?"

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