"To play in it, duh!" She said excitedly, and I felt amused at her suggestion. Her childish antics are refreshing.

But my brows knit together as I thought about it. It's awfully cold...she doesn't have much meat on her...I don't want her getting sick...


She clutched my shirt tighter and plopped her head against my stomach, looking up at me with big puppy eyes.

"Pleaaaaaase?" She asked sweetly and my heart thumped hard against my chest.

My ears lowered and I looked off to the side, then sighed softly.

"Very well...but I'm dressing you," I said firmly and she was already off the nook before I even finished speaking.

She stood in front of me with her arms out and I snapped.

Her pajamas turned into the proper winter clothing. With that same snap I changed my own clothing as well.

At that she grabbed my hand and practically drug me downstairs. She took me to the back door and threw it open, then ran out into the snow after letting go of my hand.

I watched her run around happily with a smile on my face. Then suddenly she crouched and started doing something with her back to me.

I tilted my head, taking a few steps towards her.

Then she turned around quickly and she was armed with little balls of snow. The smile on her face was nothing short of pure evil.

I pointed at her, frozen in place.

"Darling, don't you d—"


She giggled, and I glanced down at the snow mark on my chest. My eyes went back to her, kneeling in the snow.

"You have invoked my wrath...prepare to feel the passion of my revenge, demoness," I growled at her with a sly smile.

She threw another snowball at me, and hit my leg.

That's it.

I took both of my hands, flexing my fingers slightly.

"What're you gonna do! You don't have any sn—"

I flicked my wrist and every snowball she'd accumulated rose into the air around her. Her mouth fell open and she looked up.

"Hey no fair! That's cheating!" She said with a smile and scrambled up onto her feet.

"You can call it whatever you want," I chuckled and shrugged, "but I call it winning."

With that I started pelting her. I made sure to hit her legs and stomach, avoiding her face.

She squealed and ran away, running towards the forest.

I watched her disappear into the trees and hummed.

Bad hiding place, dear.

I hunted these woods for years.

My arms went behind my back and I teleported into the woods. I found tiny footprints, but they were leading every direction.

Clever little fox.

My ear twitched when I heard snow crunch and my smile widened.

Not clever enough.

Quickly, I teleported where the noise sounded from, but my smile fell when it was only a small rabbit. I huffed and looked at the creature.

It stared back at me and I put my hands on my hips.

Haunted (Alastor x OC)Where stories live. Discover now