Ch 63

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Aria's POV

As soon as we arrived home, I was out of the car. My irritation was at an all time high.

Not only did I just make a useless trip to the hospital, but I also have an iron deficiency.

At least that explains a few things.

My feet carried me to my front door, and Alastor opened it before we even got up there. I gave him a dull look, brushing past him and into the house.

I didn't have time to see his reaction to that before Jake spoke.

"Hey, man...can I talk to you for a second? Outside..." he said and I turned to face them.

Alastor just stood in the doorway, and glanced back to me. After a short observation of my appearance he nodded.

He stepped out, closing the door behind him, and immediately I went over to the window next to the front door, peeking out.

They were too far away for me to hear anything, but Jake just looked to be speaking calmly. Alastor was listening, and the longer Jake talked the more relaxed he seemed.

Once Jake finished speaking, Alastor sighed.

He nodded, and then held his hand out. They shook hands, and Alastor gave him a friendly arm pat before Jake turned and started walking off.

Once Alastor was back in the house, I turned to face him.

"What was that all about?" I asked and he sighed.

" apology, actually," he said, locking the door before heading over to me. I had my arms crossed and I wasn't looking at him.

"An apology?" I mumbled.

Alastor hummed softly, and then I felt his fingers gently touch my shoulder.

"Yes...are you alright, dear?" He asked me, and then I felt his fingers under my chin as he gently tilted my head up to meet his eyes.

I could only look at them for a second before I pulled away from him and my gaze fell.

I just stood there, hugging my arms and shifting uncomfortably under his stare.

"Yes, I'm fine..." I said after a long, uncomfortable silence, "and you can go ahead and take your shadow back," I grumbled.

He froze and then sighed, snapping his fingers. The shadow separated from mine and slithered back to Alastor's feet, disappearing.

"I just sent him to protect you, sweetheart, that's all—"

"I don't need a fucking babysitter, Al!" I snapped, finally meeting his eyes. His expression turned shocked and quickly I realized what I'd done.

My eyes widened and immediately I felt guilt crawl up my back. I didn't mean to yell at him...

I took a couple of steps forward and gathered a bit of his shirt into my hands. He looked away from me, obviously trying to hide the hurt in his eyes.

My fingers tugged against his shirt and I sighed, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell..." I said quietly.

He glanced up at me and I looked into his eyes. After a second of him observing me, he put his hands over mine and shifted back into his demon form.

I raised my eyes to compensate for the height he just gained, and he still looked a tad bit hurt. I laid my head against his stomach and looked up at him.

"I'm sorry..." I said again and his expression slowly let up. He let out a soft breath and lifted one hand up to my head, brushing his claws through my hair.

"It's quite alright, dear...I know you've been through a lot recently."

I felt relieved at his words and smiled weakly, "'s been a rough last week," I chuckled and he did as well.

Then I sighed and closed my eyes, nuzzling further against him.

"I just wish I knew why I just randomly gained an iron deficiency," I mumbled, "I mean, I've never bruised easily before in my life, but now...I don't know, it's like I'm just weaker than usual," I mused and Alastor just rubbed my back.

He was quiet for a moment, and then hummed.

"Weaker...?" He mumbled, but it sounded like he was talking more to himself.

I lifted my head and looked up at him, "yea, like I feel tired, I get dizzy randomly...I've even noticed that I look like I've lost weight," I said and he furrowed his brows.

He pressed his palm against my cheek and then my forehead, and then leaned down and pressed his cheek against mine.

"What are you doing...?" I asked him as he did this weird ritual.

"Checking your temperature..." he mumbled, "but you feel fine...I was thinking maybe you are ill..."

I giggled slightly, "Al I just came from the hospital, I think they would have told me if I were sick," I said and he hummed.

His eyes looked thoughtful, and...worried? Why would he look worried?

I tilted my head and furrowed my brows, "is everything alright?" I asked him, and he snapped out of whatever daze he was in.

"Yes! Yea, sweetheart...everything is fine, I just...I was just thinking about something," he said and I hummed.

"Well, Ok...but, anyway it should be fine," I said, waving it off with a smile, "the doctor prescribed me some medicine, and that should fix it."

His smile widened slightly at that and he nodded, "that's good..."

He's acting off...he's probably just worried. I slipped my hands under his shirt, and that gained his attention. His eyes snapped to mine and I smirked at him.

"I don't want you standing here all worried about me..." I said, and then trailed my nails over his stomach, "do I need to distract you?" I purred, and he shivered slightly.

He chuckled softly, "you little vixen..." he mumbled, but then I squeaked when he suddenly picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.

I screamed and giggled, holding onto him for dear life as I swayed back and forth.

He had one hand on my butt and his other arm wrapped around my thighs to hold me in place.

My hair fell forward and swayed with my body, and I patted his back in a little rhythm as he walked.

We stopped, and he grabbed my waist, pulling me off his shoulder and holding me in front of him. Then, he wrapped my legs around his waist and plopped onto the couch.

I fell into him when he did that, and started giggling again. Our chests were pressed together and he took that moment to wrap his arms around me and hold me captive.

My head was tucked under his chin, and I just laid against him. His heartbeat matched up with mine, and he let out a heavy sigh.

"You're my favorite human...I hope you know that," he said and I let out a short laugh.

"Wow, thank you," I said sarcastically and he chuckled.

Then we fell into a comfortable silence again. My eyes started to feel heavy the longer we sat like this. Suddenly his hold tightened just slightly and he pressed his lips into the top of my head.

"You're own personal little slice of Heaven..." he mumbled into my hair.

I blushed slightly and snuggled into him further.

"My peu d'amour..." he said softly.

I smiled at that and tilted my head up slightly to place a kiss on his neck. Then I snuggled into that spot and closed my eyes.


A/N: You are my only sunshine...

Haunted (Alastor x OC)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant