Ch 69

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*checks the timeline for this story*

*casually starts designing my next character*

Aria's POV

I was making preparations for our party. Christmas Eve is still a week away, but I want to make sure that I have everything that we need.

I still need to go out to the store and get a few things.

There was still a little bit of snow outside, and the air was slightly chilled. I wanted to go snuggle up with Alastor and tell him to do his body heat thing that he does, but I have shit to do.

Right now I'm deep cleaning the kitchen.

Just as I was about to go grab the mop, there was a knock on my door. I sighed and wiped my hands on the front of me to get any dust off.

"Alastor, someone is at the door, you know what to do," I called out and he didn't answer but I know he heard me.

Then I turned the doorknob and opened it with a smile, which then immediately fell at the sight that waited on the other side.

Eliot stood there, his face flushed and cheeks glossy from tears, I'm assuming. He sniffled and I could tell he'd been crying from the way his eyes looked.

"Oh, Eliot, what's wrong," I said worriedly and gently pulled him into the house out of the cold. He hiccuped softly and then sunk to his knees and pulled me into a hug.

My eyes widened at that and I wrapped my arms around him. His head laid on my chest...something he always used to do when he cried when he was little.

His body heaved with sobs and it broke my heart. Confusion built up inside me the longer we stayed like this, and Al rounded the corner, confused as well from the noise.

Then his eyes widened and he froze, just staring at the scene in front of him. He looked at me and mouthed 'what's wrong?' And I shrugged.

Then I looked down at Eliot and ran my fingers through his hair gently, "Eliot, honey, what's the matter?" I asked him softly and he snuggled further into my chest with a little whimper.

Then he finally spoke.

"M-my aunt...m-mom's sister..." he said through his sobs, and immediately I felt my heart sink.

His aunt...she's been terminally ill for years...he told me at thanksgiving she only had months left...oh no...

He loved her so much...

"Oh...Eliot..." I said softly, feeling tears of my own begin to build up. I looked up at Al and he was just staring at Eliot. The look in his eyes was unreadable.

"Aria...she beat it."

Every thought in my head froze.


"What?" I whispered and he pulled away from the hug and held me at arms length, a smile on his face and tears still streaming from his eyes.

"She beat it...five years of fighting and it just...went away..." he said with a little laugh, "like magic..."

I stared at him a moment, and then blinked. Then my gaze shifted behind Eliot where Alastor was still standing. The smile on his face was softer and he met my eyes for a second before he started walking closer.

Eliot buried his head into my chest again and I rubbed his back. Well, at least I know they're happy tears...

But I had my eyes trained on the only man I know who has the power to have done something like this.

Haunted (Alastor x OC)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora