Ch 17

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Aria's POV

The next time I woke up, I came downstairs to find not only the living room completely spotless, but also Alastor still in my house.

I remember I walked in the kitchen, my hair probably looking a mess, and I just stopped and stared at him with my mouth hanging open.

He was making breakfast, singing along to some French songs.

"Good morning, little love," he had called to me in a hum.

That was about 30 minutes ago.

Now I was just sucking on a spoon that had nothing on it, scrolling through my phone. I glanced up at Alastor, taking in his appearance.

He wasn't wearing his coat, just his dress shirt and slacks. He was wearing black suspenders and his bow tie was undone.

I snickered softly and he flipped the edge of his newspaper down to look at me with narrowed eyes.

Quickly I hid behind my phone, giggling with the spoon between my teeth.

"Dear, what are you laughing at," he chuckled and I looked at him once more. I moved my phone to just one hand and pulled the spoon from my mouth with the other.

"I'm not used to seeing you look so casual," I joked, and he glanced down at his outfit. He rolled his shoulders back and grumbled.

"It's my house I can do what I want..."

I just giggled more, shaking my head. I went back to my scrolling, my smile falling into a relaxed, almost dazed expression.

I didn't hear Alastor put his paper down, or scoff at my current state. It wasn't until he reached over and plucked the phone from my hands that I acknowledge his presence.

"Hey!" I whined, holding my spoon between my teeth and trying to reach it.

He held it above my head, his eyelids lowered in annoyance, "dear, what is it that's so interesting about this little device?" He asked, dangling it between his claws and looking over it.

I huffed, snatching it back while he was distracted, "first of all: rude," I said with a glare, "secondly, it's just my phone, it helps me do things," I shrugged.

He rolled his eyes, "I know what it is, but why? You don't need it," he said and crossed his arms.

I rolled my eyes back, "Ok, grandpa," I teased him. He lowered his eyelids.

"Dear, there's no need for name calling," he said back and I stuck my tongue out at him, standing up and tucking my phone into my back pocket.

"You carry your news on paper, I carry mine in my back pocket," I called back as I took my dishes to the sink.

He got up as well and came over beside me, "I get that, but it's still-"

I clapped my hands and turned on him, a stretched smile on my face, "don't you have somewhere to be? Anywhere but here, bothering me?" I said through grit teeth.

He blinked, "well, no...after what I did last night I don't have enough power to leave just yet," he mumbled.

My eyes widened, "what you did...? What did you do? Is that why you passed out on me?" I asked.

He cringed at that reminder, his cheeks lighting up, "don't remind me...and also I altered the town's memory...I can't erase him from their timeline, but for all they know he moved somewhere far away years ago," he explained.

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