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Aria's POV

The mop bucket made a clunk noise when I sat it down onto the hardwood. I sang a little song as I started to gently mop away the dust and dirt.

I was on my last room, the time was now 12:30, and I was beginning to feel a bit hungry.

My focus at the moment was on a particularly stubborn dirt spot.

"Ugh...come on..." I mumbled to myself, putting some serious elbow grease into this corner. Finally, the dirt spot came clean and I smiled before I stepped back and bumped into a table.

The table rattled and I gasped, turning just in time to see a little vase teeter and tip over.

My eyes widened and I dove to catch this vase. I just barely caught it, cradling it in my arms.

I let out a soft sigh, closing my eyes.

"Damn, and here I thought I was getting a show and lunch," came the static voice of that demon.

I opened my eyes to see him standing above me.

I sat up quickly, standing up and putting the vase back onto the table.

"Have you just been watching me?" I asked him, exasperated and slightly creeped out.

His smile widened and I rolled my eyes and scoffed, "what the fuck happened to you leaving me be?" I asked harshly.

He lowered his eyelids, "darling, never once did I say such a thing. I said you may live here —not that I would vacate."

I shut my mouth, my eyes casting down.

"Don't you have business in hell?" I grumbled and grabbed the mop, putting it in the dirty mop water and grabbing the bucket.

He shrugged, "I can't say that I do. It's excruciatingly boring down there, darling, so I decided to come check on you," he said, and I rolled my eyes again.


He hummed, seemingly dissatisfied.

"Something tells me you don't like me much," he said and I scoffed. By now I'd walked to the back door, propping it open with my foot.

He's followed me the entire way, just watching me struggle to carry this mop bucket.

I was having even more trouble getting out this door with it.

I finally got it, making my way outside before answering his ridiculous statement.

"Oh really? No, you got me all wrong, I totally enjoy moving into a house, finding out it's haunted by the serial killer that owned it before me, and then getting my life threatened by said serial killer ghost," I said bitterly, aggressively dumping the mop water into the grass.

He stood just inside, propping the door open with his shoulder. He was staring at me with that huge smile on his face, eyes narrowed.

"Again...I'm not a ghost," he started, "and secondly, I did not ask for you to move into my house."

I walked back to the door, standing in front of him. He was blocking the way back in. I stared up at him with a slightly annoyed expression, "can I come back inside...?" I asked.

He stepped out of my way without a word, letting the door fall onto me instead of holding it.

I pushed it open, glaring at him.

"Ass..." I mumbled, then spoke up, "anyway, we have joint custody of this house now. I paid the money, and so did you—actually wait," I said, a smirk growing on my face.

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