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Traditional art go brrrrrr

Aria's POV

My hands shook as I slowly approached my night stand. The setting sun coming through the old windows gave my room a dingy glow.

I stared down at it, blinking. I blinked once more just to make sure I wasn't seeing things.

I definitely left that in the attic.

I promptly left the room, deciding I was not going to touch it with my bare hands. I stormed into my kitchen, grabbing some tongs.

I burst back through my bedroom door, a scowl on my face as I approached the small leather book.

I picked it up with the metal tongs, holding it as far away from me as physically possible before once again storming downstairs.

I walked up to the fireplace, aggressively tossing the little book in before snatching the little box of matches I'd placed on the mantle.

I grabbed one of my magazines off the coffee table, crumpling up a few pages before piling them on top of the book. I lit a match and tossed it into the badly made kindling.

Slowly it lit the paper, the edges curling as the heat rose.

I watched, my mouth set in a thin line as the book beneath the papers easily caught fire.

Once I had watched it burn to nothing but a pile of smoldering remains, I turned on my heel, heading back up to my room.

So, not only is my house the relic of a serial killer, it's also fucking haunted.

I grabbed the knob to my bedroom, twisting it and entering with a heavy, disgruntled sigh. I shut the door and turned to face my bed once again but every bone in my body froze in place.

There...surrounded by blackened ashes and with smoke rising from it...was the fucking journal.

Except this time it's open.

Cautiously I shuffled over to it, breathing heavily through my nose.

I bent over slightly to see what page it was open to...needless to say I almost threw up.

It was open to one of the blank pages...except written in dark red ink...I hope to god it's ink...were the words 'that wasn't very nice.'

Immediately I snatched the little book up, closing it and chucking it across the room with a distressed yell.

It is my first night. I haven't even slept in this house yet, and this shit is already happening?

It hit the opposite wall with a dull thud, falling to the floor with an even softer thud.

After that I grabbed my tape gun, storming out of my bedroom once more. I made my way towards the back hall where the attic was, and once I reached it I stopped in my tracks.

The fucking door is open.

My heart pounded against my chest, I could feel it pulsing through my fingertips and in my ears it was beating so hard.

I quickly grabbed the hook, slamming the attic door shut. I threw open my storage closet, snatching a little step ladder and getting up onto it.

The sound of the tape pulling was way too loud, making me wince as I placed layer after layer over the door. Once I felt safe, I stepped down, staring up at my masterpiece.

My smug smile fell and every hair stood up on my neck when there was a low chuckle right behind me.

My body started to tremble and I slowly turned around.

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