Ch 28

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Sorry this wasn't posted with the last one, I had to do something and needed to proof read first.

Aria's POV

I walked next to Alastor down the sidewalk. It's pretty early, only about 10 am.

This morning he asked me if I wanted to go back into town...

Well, duh.

So here we are, heading to the library once again. I wanted to stop by and see Mrs. Ida.

"You sure do like this library," Alastor said as we approached the doors. I hummed in response as he pushed one open for me.

The quiet of the library was disturbed by the soft jingle of the bell overhead. The subtle smell of old books lingered in the air and I took a deep breath.

Mrs. Ida popped up from behind the desk, her adorable old lady face lifting into a smile at the sight of me.

Then she glanced next to me at Alastor and it faltered, but quickly restored.

She came over to us, pushing her glasses up on her nose a bit more.

"Hello, sweetheart...and you too, honey," she said to me and Alastor.

"Hi, Mrs. Ida, I was just stopping by to see you," I said with a smile, and she hummed softly.

"That's sweet of you, love bug," she said and my cheeks lit up.

No one has called me love bug since I was about 10 years old...

She chuckled and then her eyes shifted up to Alastor. I followed her gaze, and he was just standing there.

Same calm demeanor and charming smile.

Today I dressed him, since the only way he knows how to dress is in slacks and a dress shirt.

It was actually a lot of fun dressing him, like having a human Barbie. I would just tell him what to put on and with the snap of his fingers it was there.

We went with a pair of black skinny jeans, which he absolutely hated with a passion but I thought he looked really cute so guess who won that fight.

Then a plain, loose, grey t-shirt. Over that a collared beige colored jacket. Next up, I forced him to wear a pair of white tennis shoes.

He hated that, too.

Finally, to tie it all in a pretty bow I made him put on a necklace.

A thin, solid silver Cuban link necklace.

Now keep in mind he absolutely hates this outfit with a burning passion. When he looked in the mirror, the look he gave me was one of pure and utter disgust.

"This is fashion...?"

I heard his voice ring through my head and nearly snickered.

"What did you say your name was, honey?" Mrs. Ida asked Alastor, pulling me from my thoughts.

My eyes widened.

Oh fuck, what did I call him...? Mason...? Mort? Matt?

"Max," he said smoothly and I let out an internal sigh of relief. Thank god he has a good memory.

"That's right..." she said, and I looked to her once again. Her eyes lingered on him and then she just smiled and turned away.

"Well, I'll be at my desk," she called and waddled back to her place.

Haunted (Alastor x OC)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu