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Alastor's POV

This week has been relatively calm.

Most of the tension from our recent events has dwindled, and Aria has moved on. She handles trauma very well.

But she's been through it before. So, her handling of the situations she endures is based off her current understanding of the world.

She is strong.

Right now I'm sitting across the table from her, reading the newspaper. She's been decorating cookies since we woke up this morning.

I peeked over the edge of my paper to check on her. The little gingerbread man shaped sugar cookies were cute, I'll give her that.

So far it looks like she's decorated over half of them. Currently she's putting a lot of detail into the one she's focused on.

I smiled softer at the sight, and put my paper down to focus fully on her.

The red icing she was using was vibrant and she was—


Wait, is that me?

I leaned forward slightly and tilted my head. She noticed me looking and smiled.

After a few more touches she put down the icing and held the cookie up.

I stared at it, looking over the little details she added.

Yep...that's me.

"Look, I made you! And I made Eliot, and me," she said excitedly, placing my cookie down next to the other two.

Those got their own special plate, away from the regularly decorated cookies.

"They're very cute, darling," I said to her, and she smiled wider.

"You think so? I worked hard on yours, I wanted it to look right since you dress the most complicated," she said and I lowered my eyelids.

I looked down at my dress shirt and slacks.

I don't dress..."complicated"...

"I disagree on that, my dear, but I do appreciate your attention to detail," I said and she snickered.

I watched as she picked up an uniced cookie off the cooling rack next to her, and she handed it to me.

The little smile on her face was nothing short of adorable. I glanced at the sugar cookie and then took it from her.

I took a small bite, unsure of how I'm going to feel about it. I can tolerate sugar cookies, but I think she misunderstood me when I said they're the only ones I care for.

She many...

However, my eyes widened and I looked at the cookie in my hand. Wow...that's very good, I must say.

"Dear, this is amazing. You're a little pastry chef," I complimented her and she squinted when she smiled.

"Thanks! It's momma's recipe," she said and I hummed.

"A cultured woman," I mused and took another bite of the cookie.

Aria sighed and sat back in her chair.

I sent her a quick glance, looking over her appearance. Every morning I make sure she takes her medicine. I have it ready for her by the time she wakes up.

The bruises on her arms have started fading, and her skin is gaining a bit of its color back.

This relieved me see her gaining her health back. She's perked up as well, seeming less and less tired by each passing day.

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