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Poor Eliot is in mental anguish, send him thoughts and prayers.

Aria's POV

The second we were home, Alastor wasted no time in taking me into the bathroom.

He sat me on the toilet seat and stepped back to get a good look at me. He winced slightly as he looked over my injuries.

My body was still trembling slightly and I was just trying to convince myself it doesn't hurt.

I looked down at myself, and immediately the pain got ten times worse. My entire left arm that had taken most of the damage when I was dragged was bright red and bleeding.

The flesh was shredded and there were small rocks embedded in my skin.

On my thighs were scratches oozing blood, as well as my knees.

My shirt was torn, and covered in filth. My shorts weren't much better.

Alastor knelt in front of me and cupped my face, making my eyes focus on him instead of my wounds.

He was smiling very softly, his touch light as a feather.

"Look at me,'ll be alright. I'll have you healed in no time..." he said, and took my left arm in his hands. I winced immediately and tears pricked my eyes at the contact.

"Hey, eyes on me..."

I opened my eyes, breathing heavily through the blinding pain. He was looking back at me, and he smiled, "there we, I don't believe I got to finish telling you my jokes dear," he said and I almost laughed.

Jokes? Right now?

"Tell me, darling, why couldn't the bicycle stand on its own?" He asked me, and I grit my teeth as he pulled the rocks from my wound. I sucked in heavy deep breaths, and then shook my head.

"W-w-why...?" I managed to get out, and he smiled wider.

"Because it was two tired!" He delivered the punch line in an eccentric tone all the while his fingers were working to fix my arm.

I laughed weakly, actually momentarily forgetting about my arm because of how ridiculous that joke was.

"Good..." Alastor uttered softly, his smile falling into a more gentle expression.

"Alright, the hard part is out of the take a deep breath, this won't hurt but it'll feel really strange," he said and I nodded slightly. I took in a deep breath, and waited.

Then there was a deep tingling sensation in my arm that made me gasp, and I looked down at it.

He was supporting it with one hand while the other was glowing red and hovering over my mangled skin.

The skin slowly started mending itself, and I felt itchy as it did so.

After about a minute or so, the tingling died down and all that was left was that itchy feeling. Alastor seemed to know that feeling would be left behind, because he gently raked his claws over my skin.

After that he patted my arm and put it back by my side. He sighed, then, and I looked at him.

He looked tired, his eyes had dark circles under them.

"Are you ok?" I asked him softly. I was in a lot less pain now. The most of it was coming from that arm. The rest of the cuts were painful, but not quite as extreme.

He chuckled, "I'm ok, sweetheart, that just took some energy is all. Normally it wouldn't be anything at all to me, but I already had to heal that god damn bullet wound," he growled, sounding disgusted.

Haunted (Alastor x OC)Where stories live. Discover now