Ch 12

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I did this rly fast so excuse how messy it is *^*

Aria's POV

I was humming softly, my fingertips grazing over the spines of the books at the local library in town.

I haven't been back here since...

I shook my head, my smile that had faltered returning. I'm home now, that's all that matters.

I can't keep letting the past control me.

The city had never been my scene...loud, busy...

I much preferred this little hick town. It brought back memories, some of my childhood and some I'd rather forget.

But it was home.

I paused briefly on a small novel. Picking it up, I looked over the cover.

The Radio Killer.

I cocked my head, turning the book over to read the back. It was talking about a deadly serial killer in the 1920's. My eyelids lowered in annoyance.

Of course he has his own fuckin book.

I put it back, continuing on my search. I was currently looking for a book on the supernatural. I really want to find out how I can stop these dreams, before I see something I truly don't have the stomach to see.

I was getting frustrated, my brows furrowing as I helplessly skimmed these books, until I heard a soft voice.

"Aria Laurent?"

My ears perked at the sound of my full name, and I turned to face the source of the voice. My eyes widened on the tiny old woman standing a few feet from me.

The old librarian, Mrs. Ida.

She's still alive?!

My face broke into a smile, my feet carrying me towards her.

"Hello, Mrs. Ida! Im sorry I didn't say hello, I didn't see you when I came in," I apologized sheepishly, and she waved her hand.

"Oh, sweetie, no what has you back in town, dear?" She sounded perplexed, which is reasonable.

Both of my parents are gone. I'm an only child. Everyone knows why I left...

"Oh, I live here again," I chuckled softly, and her wrinkled eyes widened. She grabbed my hand tenderly.

"You do? Well that's wonderful news! Be careful though, dear...he hasn't left, you know—"

"Hehe...T-that's ok Mrs. Ida. No need to talk about that...the past is the past, right?"


Her smile softened, her eyes holding a knowing look, "Indeed,, what's your poison? Romance? Horror?" She began shuffling through the books.

I watched her, rubbing my arm slightly, "uh...paranormal actually," I chuckled nervously.

"Paranormal...? Well..." she shuffled over to a smaller section, sweeping her hand towards it, "here you are, dear."

With that she gave me a soft smile, walking back to her desk.

I started looking through all the supernatural books, sighing softly when nothing seemed to be what I was looking for.

That is, until I came to a small, worn looking book. The cover was faded, and I could just barely tell what it said.

A Guide to the Paranormal

Haunted (Alastor x OC)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن